Content Folder Issue

Hopefully this is in the right place
My content folder for poser 11 pro was on my external unfortunatly my drive has gotten so old that I can no longer find drivers for my computer to recognize it. However i was able to get the external to reconginize itself on my laptop and currently am transfering that folder over to that computer atm.
Here is my issue, I do not use the install manager for putting content in my library, I go to the directory it installed the new stuff to and manually install it to my external. Now that the external is out of the picture on my desktop, I have been trying to find a way to change my library path to go to the new destination for my poser stuff. But searching though poser loaded I could not find the file path the library went to to access my content. The only time I have seen this directory setup was installing poser, and i do not want to do that again. Is there somewhere I should be looking other then the programs I use
Install Manager
Smith download
All i want to do is redirect my library to a new location.
another example
old directory
E:/Poser 11 Content
changed to
C:/Poser 11 Content
hopefully I explained it well thank you in advance
You could just add the new location as a library - click the folder with a + icon, if Poser 11 is like older versions, and selectt he folder that contains the "Runtime" folder. You may then be able to select and remove (click the - button) the old, invalid location.
Thank you that appears to solve my issue