Missing file in a product "Redhouse Sweet Shoppe"

AtanaciusAtanacius Posts: 333

Hello people, I have a huge issue..
I purchased during Platinum Club Anniversary sales an old product named: "Redhouse Sweet Shoppe"..


EDIT: I own the products required by the way!

It is beautiful and appealing, but there is a "BUT", it seems a file (important one) is missing from the package:

ERROR RETURNED when imported:
Missing file: runtime/geometries/rhs/rss/rss_cabinet.obj

This is a file that represent a furniture ..
So, as it missing, can I expect that product will receive a fix one day.. (but due to its age and oldness...)

In all measure, I don't want a refund, since I like the left of the product..

Please, what I must do for having a complete product ?

Thanks for comprehension.

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    So,  you own and have installed  The RHS Christmas carol and Christmas carol expansion packs?   also obviouslly  the RHS Sweet shop.

    I have just downloaded the DS version of the sweetshop.  but can't see the obj in there when I explore the zip.  Mind you, as I don't use DS I am not sure where I would find it, but did assume it should be in the folder called "Runtime"

    However it is in the Poser version.     Maybe you could download the Poser version.

  • Hello Chohole.

    Yeah, I already installed the RHS Christmas Carol, and also Exp 1 pack.
    And Sweet Shoppe aswell (lol).

    Anyway, I didn't know that it was findable through the Poser (Ps) zip version of that asset.

    I will give a try.

  • New message, since it's technical:


    I think I've found the problem, it's not directly the OBJ (this is you Chohole that make me tought that, since DAZ Studio is known for using .dsf UV Sets instead .OBJ Geometries files..

    The problem is the product itself.
    More precisely in Ds ZIP file:

    THIS FILE: 'Environments\Architecture\Christmas Carol\Scenes\Sweet Shoppe\!Preload.duf'


    THIS FILE: 'Environments\Architecture\Christmas Carol\Scenes\Sweet Shoppe\RSS_Cabinet_L.duf'



    Basically, the file 'Environments\Architecture\Christmas Carol\Scenes\Sweet Shoppe\!Preload.duf' show this lines of code (it's a piece from the file):

    			{				"id" : "rss_cabinet_2591-2",				"url" : "#rss_cabinet_2591",				"name" : "rss_cabinet_2591",				"label" : "ss_cabinet_1 (2)",				"parent" : "#rss_ground_18",				"geometries" : [					{						"id" : "rss_cabinet-1",						"url" : "/data/auto_adapted/rss_cabinet_2591/geometry_95b210b8_85b7_6f2b_cfbd_c3e812462fdf/rss_cabinet.dsf#rss_cabinet",						"name" : "rss_cabinet_2591",						"label" : "ss_cabinet_1",						"type" : "polygon_mesh",						"legacy_source_info" : {							"location" : "/Runtime/Geometries/RHS/RSS/rss_cabinet.obj",							"settings" : {								"IncludeG" : true,								"IncludeVT" : true,								"IncludeUsemtl" : true,								"IncludeMtllib" : false,								"DefaultMaterialName" : "Preview",								"LatAxis" : "X",								"VertAxis" : "Y",								"DepthAxis" : "Z",								"InvertLatAxis" : false,								"InvertVertAxis" : false,								"InvertDepthAxis" : false,								"Scale" : 243.84							}						},						"extra" : [							{								"type" : "studio/element_data/geom_source_file_data",								"source_file" : "/Runtime/Geometries/RHS/RSS/rss_cabinet.obj",								"geometry_changed" : false,								"group" : ""							}						]					}				],				"preview" : {					"oriented_box" : {						"min" : [ -35.039, -52.533, -10.39 ],						"max" : [ 35.04, 52.534, 10.391 ]					},					"center_point" : [ 0, 52.53386, 0.9547067 ],					"end_point" : [ 0, 105.0675, 0.9547067 ],					"rotation_order" : "YXZ"				},				"extra" : [					{						"type" : "studio/element_data/geom_source_file_data",						"source_file" : "/Runtime/Geometries/RHS/RSS/rss_cabinet.obj",						"geometry_changed" : false,						"group" : ""					},					{						"type" : "studio/element_data/source_file_data",						"source_file" : "/runtime/libraries/Props/RSS_Zero/RSS_Cabinet.pp2",						"geometry_changed" : false					},					{						"type" : "studio/element_data/legacy_non_propagating_scale_flag"					}				]			},

    And, heh!! This is a so-called wrong code..

    Since, it's a POSER version code..
    (a bad copy/paste from within the product when packaged I think..)


    But, the file 'Environments\Architecture\Christmas Carol\Scenes\Sweet Shoppe\RSS_Cabinet_L.duf' show this lines of code (it's a piece from the file):

     seems having the same code (at least for some lines) than "RSS_Cabinet_R.duf" and when loaded.. It just appear to be invisible (not really invisible from the Scene, but the object is not shown).
     we just see the "cookies" inside...

    Therefore, the "RSS_Cabinet_R.duf" version seems working flawlessly !

    So, please, DAZ/Jack Tomalin, can you fix the product? Thanks (or tell me what I must do).




  • It's not wrong code, as far as I can see - it is what you will get in any imported item, pointing back to the original import (with the settings used) so that it can be rebuilt if the asset files are missing.

  • Hello Richard, thanks for any help that will be welcomed.

    But.. I use DAZ Studio, and I can assure you that it no work (even if it's right code like you said), really, not working for the "RSS_Cabinet_L.duf" file (or the "RSS_Cabinet_L.duf" definition in "!Preload.duf".)

    In all the left file "!Preload.duf" there is NOT ANY OTHER reference to an .obj file, all the others preloaded object use .dsf (and mainly UV Sets) and they work with no issue.
    Only the one referenced by an .obj seems not working.

    And, correct me if I'm wrong, but .DSF is Daz Studio File, and OBJ are geometry (old-like) file that still used in Poser, no?
    If not, there is aswell an issue since it no working like is intended..



  • Are you sure you have the latest versions of all of the products?

  • AtanaciusAtanacius Posts: 333
    edited November 2016

    I downloaded them the day I purchased them.

    So this lead to this date: 2016, 11 - 11

    I will try to redownload, perhaps this had an update.. I didn't checked (since it's an OLD product, I don't expected so much people purchase it enough for tell the product have an issue).

    Will come back after.

    EDIT: Yeah, I confirm, after re-downloaded, file are identicals, no updates found, so, issue will subsist :/

    Post edited by Atanacius on
  • Belatedly moved to Technical Help since it's a question rather than a suggestion for a product.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited November 2016

    I took a look at the !Preload.duf and the problem is the cabinet on the right side of the room has references to the original Poser cabinet object file. You can file a problem report to have Daz resolve the issue.  To fix the issue yourself, this is what I did:

    1. Load !Preload.duf
    2. Delete the last item in the Scene tab: ss_cabinet_1 (2)
    3. Load Props> RSS_Cabinet_R.duf.  It places itself in the correct scene location.
    4. Save as a Scene Subset with a new name such as !Preload New.duf.
    5. If you're satisfied the issue is resolved (by reloading the new Scene Subset), you can delete !Preload.duf and rename !Preload New.duf to !Preload.duf

    Edit: Attached a quick Iray render.  Applied the Iray thin glass shader to the jars and the glass on the two curio cabinets.


    Sweet Shoppe.jpg
    1122 x 672 - 159K
    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • AtanaciusAtanacius Posts: 333
    edited November 2016

    Belatedly moved to Technical Help since it's a question rather than a suggestion for a product.



    Lindsey said:

    I took a look at the !Preload.duf and the problem is the cabinet on the right side of the room has references to the original Poser cabinet object file. You can file a problem report to have Daz resolve the issue.  To fix the issue yourself, this is what I did:

    1. Load !Preload.duf
    2. Delete the last item in the Scene tab: ss_cabinet_1 (2)
    3. Load Props> RSS_Cabinet_R.duf.  It places itself in the correct scene location.
    4. Save as a Scene Subset with a new name such as !Preload New.duf.
    5. If you're satisfied the issue is resolved (by reloading the new Scene Subset), you can delete !Preload.duf and rename !Preload New.duf to !Preload.duf

    Edit: Attached a quick Iray render.  Applied the Iray thin glass shader to the jars and the glass on the two curio cabinets.


    Love your render and light set, which is the light set ?
    I use also Iray.

    It's exactly what I said: The issue is the !Preload.duf make a reference to .OBJ version instead of .DSF, so I tought that it was the "Poser" version in a "Ds" zip, certainly not made by design but by error from the packager !
    Anyway, I will try your tip, right now! :)

    EDIT: @Lindsey, your solution perfectly works!

    So.. The problem is "resolved" completly by your workaround (that affected ONLY for !Preload full scene!)
    Then, thanks, your tip was useful, and so +1 rep for you :)

    But, I think that the PA(s) must fix the problem in the product by theirselves!

    Post edited by Atanacius on
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Did you (or will you) file the bug report?  I actualy have this product as well, although I get errors relating to the rug instead.

  • sriesch said:

    Did you (or will you) file the bug report?  I actualy have this product as well, although I get errors relating to the rug instead.

    Hello sriesh: the RSS_Rugs work with no issue for me.
    Did you using the Ps zip version or the Ds zip version of the product? (I use the Ds zip version).

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited November 2016

    Ds version.

    Ok, nevermind.  The carpet error goes away too when I make the above cabinet fix.  Correction: The message goes away, but the carpet is invisible in the preload, and the errors are there in both the DS and Poser versions of the rug if I try to load them separately.

    Post edited by sriesch on
  • The carpet seems working for me (both by !Preload and separated !).
    My Ds ZIP date version is from yesterday, did you looked your Ds ZIP date version?


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    I just redownloaded and reinstalled both the christmas carol and sweet shoppe yesterday.  Do any of you have the file e1_mat_23.dsf on your system anywhere, either in the expected place or someplace else?  Maybe it's part of some other product I don't have installed that you do.

    screenshot, file missing.png
    675 x 387 - 27K
  • Hello sriesch.
    Here is the location of the file you asked:
    \data\Jack Tomalin\ChristmasCarol\e1_mat\

    I have this file on my system (e1_mat_23.dsf)

    BUT, It's perhaps a part of this product: http://www.daz3d.com/redhouse-christmas-carol-exp-1

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