How do I apply textures to auto-fit items?

So here's my issue:
I bought a hair and hair colour kit. (Melody Hair and Luminous Melody). I am now trying to fit this onto my V5 Character. The hair auto-fits fine, but I cannot apply any of the colour/textures to the hair, it's just a white plastic wig at this point. I'm feeling pretty lost... I can't find any support for this anywhere else...
Thanks in advance for your help!
It's working for me -- did you make sure to select the hair before applying the material preset?
Well, That's what it was. I just derped...
I know my questions seem noobish, but heck, I'm learning as I go.
Thank you so much for your assistance!
So just to clarify: This method will work with ANY Auto-fit piece of clothing/hair/prop? I just need to make sure I select the item before choosing material?
Yes, auto-fit doesn't change the UVMaps, so the textures for the unfit version should all still work.