IRay Sun & Sky frustration

Ok, with a lot of help I finally got my scene set up and rendering but there is one problem.

The scene is iRay rendering Sun & Sky Finite Box without Ground but doesn't really matter if I choose Infinate or Finite or Dome or Box I end up with a band of grey between my scene and the sky of about 1/10 of the height of the render all the way across horizontally.

I want to create the render without the grey band although it could pass for a horizon line of trees in the distances and do so without post work or compositing. Is it possible?



  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438



    for Sun-Sky there is the helpful parameter "Horizon Height".
    Set it to small negative values with approximations in 0.1 steps.
    And you can play around with the dome radius. - Both in combination.

    For HDRI domes please see this thread.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333


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