Iray Emission question.

Is it possible to make an emiter who is invisible in the render but still emit light?
I used to make my floors lightly emiting in blender to fasten the render but not becoming brilliant themself. I'm wondering if you can do it with Iray
That would be a useful little trick, but I suspect as Iray mimics real light behaviour the only way to have an invisible emitter is to have it out of shot. Maybe someone knows how to get around this?
For photometric lights, there is, in their parameters, an option to 'Render emitter'. Turning this off will not render the light, but still cast the light.
Thanks, I'll try to find the switch. ^^
Edit: I don't see it in the emmission category.
I only have *two sided light* with an on off option
Edit 2: ok photometric light are light we can add I guess. so I canot exactly do the same but I can add unvisible photometric lights. Well no clue how these light will work the same. The base idea in blender was since the floor is very large, even with a low emmitance it will reduce the grain everywere a bit, living nothing in hard shadow. Since what I try to do right now has more to do with having a back light without having burning points in my scene atracting the eyes I guess photometric light will be perfect.
You can adjust the size of the photometric light and give it a 'shape' too...using a point light set to rectangle and more than a meter in size (the units are cm, so that would be greater than 100 x 100) would be perfect for that...just make sure it's pointing the right direction (you'll probably need to play around with the orientation once you make it a rectangle).
Turn a surface into an IRAY "Emissive" surface, then set the "Cutout Opacity" to a value of "0.0000001" (It can go lower... but it will show as 0, but it is not "0"... ("0.00000000001" is the lowest non-zero value you can use. Iray accepts larger floating-point values than Daz3D likes to display.)
Also, if it gives you trouble... (These defaults are non-zero for emissive surfaces.)
Glossy Layered Weight = 0.0
Glossy Reflectivity = 0.0
Refraction Index = 1.0 (1 is the lowest)
The light will be essentially invisible, but emittance will be 100%.
Oh, it looks like I can use that 0.00000000001 to solve a different problem I wanted to do for my render.
WooWoo...that and a duplication in place of the models I am using allowed my to create the ghost effect I wanted. Thanks very much.