CMS Postgres error

I am using Daz Pro 64bit.  Like several other people I also have the problem of CMS not working because of a postgres SQL error.  I have been working to try to resolve the problem for almost 8 hrs.  It has cost me a day of productivity.  I have done the following

Pressed the Start CMS button in both Smart Content and Content Library.

Process Metadata queue, reimport metadata, and reset database.

I have checked and when Daz starts it does not run cms/postgres SQL.  Task mgr shows no running Postgres SQL after starting Daz and there is no Content Management Server running under the services tab of Task Manager.

According to DIM postgres is installed I have unistalled/reinstalled it several times.

No I'm not using Valentina.   I haven't used it since Daz switched to postgres.

I have also restarted my computer at least 10 times and nothing changes.    

The attached jpgs show a screen shot of the error and and a screen shot of smart content tabs and content library the attached text file is my logfile.

The last time I ran Daz successfully was November 7th.  This is the first time I've tried to use it since.

daz cms error2.jpg
1366 x 768 - 189K
daz screen shot.jpg
1366 x 768 - 176K


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    What security software?  It sounds like an update to a security program or to Win 10 is blocking DS from launching PostgreSQL CMS.

    If you launch DIM, is it able to launch PostgreSQL CMS?  If it is, and you then launch DS, is DS able to connect to CMS?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    What security software are you running?

  • ShiptonShipton Posts: 28
    edited November 2016

    I'm using Avast which has never been a problem before.  I last used Daz on November 7 and everything was working fine.  I just turned Avast off and I still get the Postgres Error msg when I run Daz.

    Here is my DIM logfile.  Evidently it can't connect to CMS either.

    +++++++++++++++ Install Manager starting +++++++++++++++++
    OS bits: 64
    Platform bits: 32
    Qt Version: 4.8.7
    Locale: en_US
    Running on Windows Unknown, Build 9200, No Service Pack Installed
    Physical Memory:
        Total: 3.9 GB (4294967295)
        Avail: 3.9 GB (4294967295)
    Virtual Memory:
        Total: 3.9 GB (4294836224)
        Avail: 3.8 GB (4087615488)
    Current Memory Usage: 20%
    Current DateTime:
        Loc: Mon Nov 14 08:38:50 2016
        UTC: Mon Nov 14 15:38:50 2016
    Application Data:
        Location = C:/Users/joh/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/InstallManager
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 230.9 GB (247939514368)
    Reading dzInstall.ini
    Current Account: Account
    Current Download Path:
        Location = C:/Users/Public/Documents/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/Downloads
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 230.9 GB (247939514368)
    Current Content Install Path:
        Location = C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 230.9 GB (247939514368)
    Current 64-bit Software Install Path:
        Location = C:/Program Files
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 230.9 GB (247939514368)
    Current 32-bit Software Install Path:
        Location = C:/Program Files (x86)
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 230.9 GB (247939514368)
    Error connecting to CMS
    Current Account: Account
    Processed 1053 installed products, totaling 114.1 GB
    Product 21474-2 has the same name as 21474-4:ShoXoloR for Vidal Braids PoserCF
    Processed 1045 products with 1911 unique product downloads


    Since there are other people experiencing the same problems as I am willing to bet it's a problem with the current version 0f 4.9 or CMS and not my system


    Post edited by Shipton on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    There was an update for Avast on the 11th...

    Avast has been know to block the database folder for Postgre and has been known to prevent it from having even a local connection.  Try whitelisting Postgre and keeping it from scanning/monitoring the database folder.

  • OK Postgres SQL has full access thru the firewall inbound and outbound as do Daz, and DIM.  What I'm finding is that when I run Daz there are NO indications of Postgres SQL running anywhere in task mgr Processes tab or services tab.  This leads me to believe that Daz is not starting them.  I have no indications at all in Avast that it is blocking Daz, DIM, or Postgres SQL from running.  Even if I click on pg-ctl it doesn't run.

  • OK I just downloaded and installed PostgresSQL 9.6 on my computer and it runs and appears in taskmgr processes and services.  When I try to run the postgres SQL that DIM installed it doesn't work.  I've been messing with this for close to 12hrs total and I have other things to do.  I will uninstall and reinstall both DIM and Daz later today and see if it decides to all work together.   If it does, I'll let you know.

  • OK here's where I stand.  I have reinstalled a clean install from exe Daz and PostgreSQLCMS 9.3.4.  Now not only is Daz still NOT recognizing PostgreSQLCMS I can't change CMS settings in Prefs.  This is NOT a problem with with my Anti Virus because I disable Avast while trying to fix this.  I'm not the only one having problems with this.  I have no choice now but to delete Daz from my system, re-enable my Avast and wait for DAZ to fix the problem in a new release.  I will not be buying anything and probably suspend my Platinum Club memebership until I can use the software again.


  • Did you at some point run Daz Studio ad admistrator (actually right-click and Run as Administrator, not just run normally from an administrator account)?

  • Yes I did without any joy.  Same PostgreSQL error msg. DazPostgreSQL CMS was reinstalled fresh from the .exe  and now shows up in Prefs and stays there.  They just aren't talking to each other.  My most recent DazStudio logfile is attached.

  • Running as admistrator might be the problem - if that was the time that the CMS settings were created then the regular version of DS will not be able to access them. DS should never be run as administrator.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    The settings not being changed when altered within Studio is a sure sign of a permissions problem.

  • ShiptonShipton Posts: 28
    edited November 2016

    Running as admistrator might be the problem - if that was the time that the CMS settings were created then the regular version of DS will not be able to access them. DS should never be run as administrator.

    I did it yesterday when you asked if I had.  Never before that.  So I'm wondering if uninstalling and installing an earlier version might fix the problem.  If it does I could stick with it until a newer version comes out then upgrade.  The question would be where do I find an earlier version.



    Post edited by Shipton on
  • im glad im not the only one having tis issue 

  • I've started to get a not responding message and lose everything. When I attempt open Daz Studio I'm left hanging with 'Connecting CMS' and only a reboot brings everything is back to normal. Is this a Windows 10 issue?


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    Shortcuts said:

    I've started to get a not responding message and lose everything. When I attempt open Daz Studio I'm left hanging with 'Connecting CMS' and only a reboot brings everything is back to normal. Is this a Windows 10 issue?


    Possibly...or more likely a security software glitch.

  • mjc1016 said:
    Shortcuts said:

    I've started to get a not responding message and lose everything. When I attempt open Daz Studio I'm left hanging with 'Connecting CMS' and only a reboot brings everything is back to normal. Is this a Windows 10 issue?


    Possibly...or more likely a security software glitch.

    Except my issue has spilled over to Luxrender. I'm using Reality 4.3 with boost and tonight I spent two hours with half the screen still black. I eventually saved the render and restarted it but Lux only worked on the same half. I've rebooted and the render screen cleared in just 45 minutes. It still looks Windows 10 to me.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    If it's more than just Postgre, the likelihood of it being a Windows problem increases.

  • I was having the same issue, and after coming here I figured out it was only ofter changing to my ISP's security suite from the virus app I had that I started having a problem. After going back to my old virus program, and deleting the ISP one, my problem with the CMS error vanished! My old reliable, AVG, is free. Try it, or another one, and see if it fixes the problem.  You can always reinstall your current virus program if it doesn't work.

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