Viewport disapeer during render

Hi, I am rendering a scene and am irritated by the following ...

In order to clear memory befor rendering I closed the scene and resopened it.  It started MUCH darker, but a short render confirmed that the light setting is still there and is working ... so I started rendering. After about 2 hours suddenly the viewport window went to white, but rendering process seams to continue running ( hopefully ) I am not sure if it is still running only because I increased the render settings.

Does one have an idea what is going on here?


Screenshot (16).png
1920 x 1080 - 447K


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Ignore tonemapping for a bit...what lights and what camera are you rendering through?

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225
    edited November 2016
    mjc1016 said:

    Ignore tonemapping for a bit...what lights and what camera are you rendering through?

    it is a single light scene, only a spotlight with about 300k lumen ( placed for immitating the moon). . ... Now since you are asking this I could imagine that the scene, when restarted, was litten by the camera headlamp. But like I already said the render is litten as it should be. The camera settings are made as usually ( focus, distance etc.)

    What do you mean with ignoring tonemapping a bit ?

    edit : about 3 Mio lumen

    Post edited by harrykim on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited November 2016

    Are you using Scene only or Dome and Scene?

    If Dome and Scene, is there an hdri loaded?

    Using your tonemapping settings and value on the spotlight....

    The first is Dome and Scene, the second is Scene Only.  The third is Scene only, with default tonemapping.


    512 x 512 - 23K
    512 x 512 - 69K
    512 x 512 - 53K
    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    I am using Scene only and a backgroung image is not necessary because of the perspective

    According to your examples the scene is between No 2 and 3, so I dont think the viewport is flashed  laugh

    There is still 15% to go, means around 2 hours. Then I will see waht comes out and can check further

    It just makes me nervous since I do´nt work that long with this video

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    ok, viewport has apeered immediately after render was finished and indeed, the light switched to headlamp.

    This is strange since the scene has its own light setup

    However, since the render looks good, there was no influence on that process. I think the only I can do is to keep an eye on that, hmm

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited November 2016

    That is normal if you are almost out of memory. Windows is purposely not rendering in the viewport to save on memory. You'll notice the same thing happens in inactive for a while browser tabs, no matter which browser brand you use.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    That is normal if you are almost out of memory. Windows is purposely not rendering in the viewport to save on memory. You'll notice the same thing happens in inactive for a while browser tabs, no matter which browser brand you use.


    thank you very much for that information. Now I feel much better !



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