Style and Layout

I have spent a lot of time arranging my interface setting the color scheme (style) and arrangement of panels (layout) as suits both my liking and poor vision. I have searched through the folders on my computer looking for where these settings are stored with no luck. Can anyone please let me know where this information is stored?
Not sure about the colors.
These notes are from v4.8, but hopefully they still apply To save custom layout:
After making any layout changes such as arranging tabs, Window > Workspace > "Save Layout As...", change Name to "primary layout" and press Accept and exit DS. Go to (Windows 7) "C:\Users\<YourUserNameHere>\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4" and copy the "user layouts" folder to wherever you want it backed up.
Also if you want to back up your toolbars,
Window > Workspace > Customize.
press the Export... button > "Tool Bars" to save the modified customization to wherever you want it backed up.
Oh yeah, sorry, forgot the other half of these steps.
To use your layout backup, on a fresh Windows 7 install, copy your backed up folder "user layouts" into "C:\Users\<YOURUSERNAMEHERE>\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4". In DAZ Studio, from the menu, Window > Workspace > Select Layout: Set Layout dropdown to "primary layout" (or whatever you called it when you saved it).
For the toolbars, DS is busy rendering right now but I think right where the export button was, there's an import.