Error when using Line Render 9000

I'm testing this product aiming to get something alike toons, but there seems to be something in the installment missing, because I'm only getting a regular 3dlight image, and the render ends with an error message: An error occured while reading the file, see log file for more details.
And the log file is as usual Chinese to me, saying this:
Saved image: C:\A-Linda\Arbetskataloger\Art\works\_01_Toon 2-tone cam.tif
Finished Rendering
Total Rendering Time: 1 minutes 27.53 seconds
WARNING: Script Error: Line
WARNING: Scripted renderer '' not found!
WARNING: Stack Trace:
Error in script execution: F:/LINDA/DAZ other/Scripts/LineRender9000/LR9K AutoRender.dsa
Now, what am I missing / doing wrong?
Have a look at the vendor's thread . Did you isntall with DIM or Connect?
I tried both ways, still the same error.
And I cannot figure anything from the log file other than there seems to be something missing. And I'm lost to what.
If you installed with Connect first and didn't uninstall then DS will continue to use that version - if there's a DIM install and a Connect install it will be the latter that is used.