Measure Metrics sulking

I have had Measure Metrics since January 2015. Tonight when I tried to apply it to a figure (G3F, DS 4.8)  was told that I need to register it.

Looking at DIM I discover that the only installed version now is a Beta, but when I try to see the files I get nothing for Installed Files and for Package Files:

I have looked at the 'Ready to Install' options as well, but the only 64-bit option is for DS4.9, which I prefer to avoid. 

If I have to, I will try to use that, but how do I activate it, given that at some stage previously I had done so but it has been forgotten and I don't recall how to do it anyway!


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Under My Account there is a Tab called Serial Numbers on the DAZ 3D sight - you copy that serial number for Measure Metrics and in the 'About Plugins' in the DAZ Studio menus is a place for you to paste that Measure Metrics serial number. You then exit DAZ Studio and start it again & it should work.

    However, you say it is already working working in the DAZ Studio Public Beta so you probabably only need to start DIM and download & install the version of DIM for the DAZ Studio Release. If it is not listed look under installed products for Measure Metrics and uninstall the DAZ Studio Release version and then you can reinstall it. It may be you have un-intentionally hidden all the 32-bit DAZ Studio products and will need to un-hide those in DIM so that they show up in DIM again.

    If you have 64 bit DAZ Studio Release installed you will need the Measurement Metrics 64 bit version for DAZ Studio Release and similarly if you have DAZ Studio Release 32 bit version installed.

  • MJWMJW Posts: 539

    Thanks. I'll try this. I think I may have the 32 bit release on a 64bit computer, so I need to look at the files.

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