Airport series

I bought the 4 packages for the Airport..

Is anyone able to work with this?     It loads, but i can barely move around in it..   it's like hoggin up my whole machine.

got 64 Gb Ram,  latest I7 processor, 1070 video card,  and it's on 3Delight.  but simple zoom,  or turning takes minutes..  NEVER had this before.


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    No surprise...DAZ Studio was crawling on me when I created 33 instances of 5 strips of modeled lawn grass each and it wasn't like the strips of lawn were that big either.

    You can make sure preview mode is something like surface textured but you probably already have it configured so.

  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 926

    Yes, this thing is humongous, I'm tossing anything that's not in front of the camera trying to get it to speed up. You might also try changing the preview mode.

  • I gave up on it..  wasted half a day to move around to see what's all out there,  and had enought.

    deleted it, and requested a refund..  I'm not picky but this thing kills it...  whoever made this either has a super PC or  combinded everything in 1 and maked packages out of it.

  • accordting to the creator it's only for Iray,  and you need to use the camera's. to get to places..  (can't move much afterwards)

    so it's useless for me to use it.. since it won't render for 3Delight properly either..  (looks like a 16 bit 80's image)


  • andrey-pestryakov's sets can be like that but has visibility off for parented details like shrubs and flowers for navigating  and you set them on for render.

    If these sets have smaller detail items the same could be done.

  • Already got a refund and removed, but it's for Iray only according to the maker.   3Delight renders are like 16 bits

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