Another question: moving body while keeping limbs locked in place?

Sorry to ask another question, but I thought I already knew how this worked and it's not working for me. ;)
Is there a way to lock, for example, a figure's hand, forearm, and upper arm so that if the chest is moved, those locked parts are not moved along with it? Kind of like what happens when you lock the body and then drag an arm with IK on? Basically the arm is positioned the way I want it but the rest of the body is not. I thought locking the parts in the Parameters panel would do it, but it seems to do nothing.
As always, thanks in advance for any help.
Hi,,Snow Saltun,, do you usually use the pin tool on node which you fix,
then moving other node with universal tool?
It can work, but not good,, manytimes when I move other node much (not so much,, just more,,)
, the pinned node easily move too,,^^; so I do not like,, ds pin system. not rely on much ^^;
but about active pose tool,, it work better,, @@;
open active pose tool, then select bone icon (it is not joint editor icon^^;)
then select node which you want to fix translation,,
then in tool setting tab, click "Toggle pins" there have option how to rock the pin.
(bone origin, bone end ,bone both,)
then "on" transform gizmo,, and select other bone, which you want.
but,, while you use the Active pose tool,, you can not use other tool,
one caution,,,
while you pinned the rig by active pose tool,
then you change tool to universal rotation,, move or rotatie another rig.
after that,, you may return active pose tool,,now translation gizmo have gone somewhere,
and you can not find the pin and clear it @@;
in this case, in scene tab, and deselect all,, then select again genesis.
you can find the pin and gizmo^^; but I like this pozing tool ,it much better than,, usuall universal tool and pin,,
I hope you try active poze tool ^^
(I knew this tool,, when jaderlail answer for othe user question ^^)
I know in Poser you could Parent a hand or a foot to an object with IK and do this... I've no idea how to do it in DS... Poser has had that feature since at least Version 3.
Pinning is the way to go in DS. But remember do all the posing with pins on, then Pin the part you just did then pose more. When you swap back to any other posing tool the pins are turned off. Pin pose then pin more pose more pin more. Only switch out of pinning when you are finished with the full PINNED pose.
EDIT, as said this is done with the Active Pose Tool.
LOL... I am sooo ignorant of the more obscure features of DS... every time I turn around there's something new to learn :)
at the moment this is not working!
Daz knows about this IK/FK problem...
a future request was been made here:
it's assigned, so daz is hopefully working on this problem.
I'm a bit curious about the reason you should not switch back and forth between pins on and off?
about active poze tool, there are another problem,,
I can translate rig,, without move pinned node ,, but it can not rotate fee,,
so,, if I hope y rotate(twist) abdoman2 with keep hand pisiton,,I need to change tool,
I can not do it with active poze tool,,,
then,, I may select left hand and all child node, in scene tab. then use pin tool, fix rotaiton and translation,,
need many pins for fix hands ,,
but they move,, actually,,even if I keep limits of plevis twist,,
I am now laugh,,because the hand move much with many pins ^^;
now hand positon is different from what they were,,
(so I can not say "pin work well" ^^; it seems break pins)
Kitakoredaz, ActivePose has never worked with rotations, it only works with translate. You need to use IK, and its own pins, if you plan on using rotations.
Hi Redave ^^
thak you,, then I knew Active pose can use for only translate.
(I must need to check my english more crefully ^^; when I ask something in this forum ,,)
about the picture,, ,, I rotated with pins by" usuall universal too"
when translate rig "Active pose" work fine, but I have known, it can not rotate rig,,
But,, DS pins seems not work good when Universal pozing tool.(not select Active pose)
these pins not perfeclty fix the rigs,, I hope , just stop controller.if it can not rotate any more
(over limits of pinned node) .
I wanted to say what you mentioned, so stuck above pics ^^;
Of course I use IK ;-) , I checked how it work when check off IK,
just the rig I select can rotate with childres rigs,, it may be useful when I hope so.
Oh, sorry I didn't catch that. I don't have much time lately to read everything properly, and I sometimes jump to a conclusion. I have to say your english is improving noticeably and I can only imagine how hard it must be for you! I do remember when I learned english myself (I'm italian).
this video show the problem very well... about hip rotation and locked pin.
daz announced to work on this, so patience....