Saving morphs made in Hexigon G3

I am having issues saving morphs using hexagon in daz studio 4.9.
Sometimes they save most times they do not.
First i send and un changed G3 base into Hexagon, Make the changes, Send back to Daz. I then save as Morph asset and it shows up properly.
Then i go to update the G3 file , sometimes it does but most times it does not. Once i clear the scene they are gone.
I want to make morphs that will be available when I want them again.
What am I missing?
How are you saving them?
I send g3 to hexagon make some minor changes in shape only and send back to Daz.
There the window open to make morph, I have been changeing name from Morph to , whatever, and accept.
It does appear in Morphs on the right panel like it should, Then I go to save as / support asset /morph asset and fill in the window and save.
From there I go to save as/ support asset / save modified support assets.
Some times it works out most times it does not. Most times when i open a new G3 the morphs do not show up.
I am missing a step , or something. I just do not have a good grasp on the proceedure. It is getting rather frustrating.
Saving the morph should be enough, no need to save modified asset. Without making any modifications to the morph, it's theorectically possible that saving it as a modified asset, in a zeroed state is actually going to 'undo' it.
Also, can you post a screen shot of the save dialog with the fields filled in how you would when you are saving a morph?
Now I feel Like a Heel! LOL ,
OK for anyone else who has had this problem, If you have multiple hard drives like myself, On the first step, save as morph asset, Make certain you select the proper hard drive where your G3 daz files are located. It automaticly defaults to C:/ Drive, you have to select the right drive every time.
So issue fixed Operator error