Trying to create a 'Genesis 3' style character with 'General Weight Mapping'


I'm trying to create an original character with rigging and weight mapping in the style of Genesis 3. Whereas Genesis 1 & 2 use TriAx weight mapping, Genesis 3 uses General weight mapping. I have my character set up, and I'm trying to weight map it, but Daz Studio crashes just about every time. I have weight mapped in Daz before (TriAx), and haven't experienced this level of crashing. And by crashing, I mean the app shuts down with no error message. I checked the log and nothing shows relating to the custom character.

Is there a known issue with General Mapping that makes creating a Genesis 3 style character troublesome?


  • MythconsMythcons Posts: 123

    I think I fixed it. I cleared all the maps (General, TriAx, Scale) and starting from scratch appears to have corrected the issue. 

  • MythconsMythcons Posts: 123

    Hello again,

    I'm running into a new problem. The weight maps don't save with the file. I spent a while mapping the varous joints, saved it, then came back in to find out that none of the weight maps were saved.

  • MythconsMythcons Posts: 123

    Also, the attempting to paint the weight maps are again causing the software to crash.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    If you have a fast GPU and have GPU rendering on by default in either or both of your viewports you could turn that off but you probably don't have them turned on. I'm don't know if that is your problem though.

  • MythconsMythcons Posts: 123

    If you have a fast GPU and have GPU rendering on by default in either or both of your viewports you could turn that off but you probably don't have them turned on. I'm don't know if that is your problem though.


    Nah, it's not a rendering problem. I crash 9/10 times when I try to paint weight maps. And when I do paint weight maps, they are not saved when I update the character. Appreciate the help, though.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    OK, just a guess by me. Sorry.

  • I would just copy the Process Overview from my rigging guide for this, but that's 13 pages and references sections of the guide...

    Answer me a few questions:
    1. What file are you saving your figure as?
    2. As what file did you import your mesh data?
    3. Describe your process one by one to me. What did you do after importing the mesh? Step by step. There might be a problem in there.

  • MythconsMythcons Posts: 123


    I've been sick the past couple days. Thank you for your offer to help me.

    1) I'm saving the character as a Figure under People.

    2) I used a quad mesh OBJ.

    3) I grouped and labeled my mesh accordingly so that it would fit into a Genesis 3 figure template. I have used both TriAx and General Weight mapping methods, but for now I will say that I am using General Weight mapping. I set up the rig so that all the bones are in the appropriate place, memorized the positions, and saved the character as a figure (Category:Actor/People).

    Now when I go to weight map the character using the brush, it will ONLY map if I delete the current weight map and start fresh. If I try save the weight map, it will be blank (non-weighted) when I load the character, and I will crash when using the brush.

    Hopefully this makes sense. I am sweating from a fever and I'm not sure if I'm making sense.

    I can let you look at my files. I was intending to make this a free figure anyway.

  • MythconsMythcons Posts: 123

    OK, just a guess by me. Sorry.


    I appreciate any help, so my thank you was sincere.

  • What application did you use to create the mesh? Are you saving a scene, or scene subset, or are you saving as an asset?

  • MythconsMythcons Posts: 123

    What application did you use to create the mesh? Are you saving a scene, or scene subset, or are you saving as an asset?

    Hey Richard,

    The mesh is exported from Adobe Fuse. I simply set it up so that it is compatible with Daz3D bone naming. I'm saving it as figure/prop Asset.

  • MythconsMythcons Posts: 123

    Well, I started over again from almost scratch, and I'm not running into the same problems. Will keep those interested updated if I have technical issues.

  • Well, do let me know if you are having any problems. I will try to assist you if possible. 

  • MythconsMythcons Posts: 123

    Hey Thomas, thanks for the assist and the offer of a future assist. I may need you!

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