PP 2014 Content Library Manager (aka Why is There a Download Folder in PP2014 Content)?
So I've been using PP2014 a while, well, since it came out. And I just noticed there's a Downloads folder in my content directory listing. I don't use it. There's nothing in it. I don't want it there. It just clutters up my list of content directories (I have 7 or 8 that are organized the way I want them). So I deleted it in Windows. And relaunched PP2014. And the folder is back. So obviously Poser wants it there. If I can't get rid of it, maybe I can hide it? Is there a content manager or something in the Preferences (which I'm not seeing) that lets me choose which folders appear in my Content Library screen?
You could try from within Poser:
Go to your library, use the dropdown menu besides "Show library", so you only see the "Downloads" library and use the remove library button to the right.
I didn't try, because it doesn't disturb me - but it is worth a try.