Skin Blender - [Commercial]

DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
edited November 2016 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Skin Blender

I just love geoshells! With this new script set you will be able to expand you Daz figure's character skins 100 fold!

This script creates a geoshell and let's you select two different character texture presets and 'blend' them together. The blending is by changing the opacity, by using a slider, of the the character texture assigned to the geoshell.


1000 x 1300 - 690K
1300 x 1000 - 933K
2400 x 1300 - 2M
2400 x 1300 - 1M
Post edited by DraagonStorm on


  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    Very cool! Works with all generations? Works across generations?

  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited November 2016
    xyer0 said:

    Very cool! Works with all generations? Works across generations?

    Works with all generations. Across generation only if the UV is available thru something like

    Post edited by DraagonStorm on
  • Also want to note that Wow Brow and Instant Makeup for Genesis 3 Female will check for the Skin Blender geoshell and apply to both the base and geoshell when used.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Okaaaay.... I'm probably buying this no matter what, but a few questions:

    1 - does the shell hold ALL of the texture layers from the original texture... ie: diffuse, normal, bump, etc?

    2. - If it handles all the above, can they be intermixxed.  That is, say, to do something like use the bumps from an old V4 set with the diffuse of one for G2F?  

    3.  - Can the resulting combinations be stored as a single preset?  Or will there be an add-on product later that allows that, as happened with Skin Builder?

    4. - in regards to:


    xyer0 said:

    Very cool! Works with all generations? Works across generations?

    Works with all generations. Across generation only if the UV is available thru something like

    Does that include a skin that's been transferred with Geografts ala Cayman Studio's products, or something like the old Four Arms for Genesis?

  • #1 Yes

    #2 If you have the V4 UV for G2F... Yes, but you would have to change the bumps by hand.

    #3 That's a yes and no answer. You can save the geoshell with the material settings as a Wearables Preset. But that will not save the material preset that has been assigned to the base figure.

    #4 Sorry, no. This will not work with the Legacy UVs from Cayman Studios or other geograph type products. I had to special code for this to work with geograph genitals.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Just to clarify:


    #4 Sorry, no. This will not work with the Legacy UVs from Cayman Studios or other geograph type products. I had to special code for this to work with geograph genitals.

    But you could a geograph conversion for the base figure and then any other texture for the geoshell one, right?  So that you could put a V4 texture on a G3F, then lay a G3F texture on top of that?  Or will the geoshell not apply properly over the geograph?  

    And a fifth question that just occured - I notice that you used Predatron's Low Rez male figures in one of the promo pictures.  So will this product allow you to create a geoshell for other older non-DAZ human figures as long as the figure works in DS... like, say, Koshini, an imported Terai Yuki 2 or one of the dinosaurs?  



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    This is going to be super useful.

  • Does this work for stand-alone figures, vehicles and other objects, too? There could be some very interesting results by combining organic and synthetic 'skins' together.

  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited November 2016

    Just to clarify:


    #4 Sorry, no. This will not work with the Legacy UVs from Cayman Studios or other geograph type products. I had to special code for this to work with geograph genitals.

    But you could a geograph conversion for the base figure and then any other texture for the geoshell one, right?  So that you could put a V4 texture on a G3F, then lay a G3F texture on top of that?  Or will the geoshell not apply properly over the geograph?  

    And a fifth question that just occured - I notice that you used Predatron's Low Rez male figures in one of the promo pictures.  So will this product allow you to create a geoshell for other older non-DAZ human figures as long as the figure works in DS... like, say, Koshini, an imported Terai Yuki 2 or one of the dinosaurs?  


    I was able to use the low rez figures since the surface names where basically the same as other Daz human figures. So if those other figures use the same basic naming as V4, Genesis, Genesis 2 or Genesis 3, then it will work with those. ie: 1_SkinFace, 2_SkinHip, Face, Torso and so forth.

    Which also answers Xenomorphine's question. Basically no, this would not work with vehicles. But you could replace the textures by hand or shaders on the geoshell created on the figure and play with the blend amount.

    I used the low rez figure to show an example of the blend from 1% to 100% and I didn't think my computer could handle 100 Genesii

    Post edited by DraagonStorm on
  • See, that makes me wonder if it's possible to use this, blend it with a machine model's texture, then end up with something in the style of HR Giger's biomechanical aesthetics to geoshell a human figure with... Or maybe help with additional blending with geografted parts on a body, for, say, mermaids and so on.

  • See, that makes me wonder if it's possible to use this, blend it with a machine model's texture, then end up with something in the style of HR Giger's biomechanical aesthetics to geoshell a human figure with... Or maybe help with additional blending with geografted parts on a body, for, say, mermaids and so on.

    You can always make changes once you have used the script to do the leg work for you.

  • Just purchased, but the existence of this script leads me to ask about something that has been driving me crazy for a really long time.

    I would LOVE to have a script that would load LIE presets to a new geoshell rather than into the diffuse channel of the base figure.  It seems that it would be easy to do, but the opacity channel of the LIE presets have so far made my life difficult.  This would allow using LIE presets that were designed for a different UV layout on top of other surface textures.

    Is there any chance this is a possibility for a future DraagonStorm product?

  • Just purchased, but the existence of this script leads me to ask about something that has been driving me crazy for a really long time.

    I would LOVE to have a script that would load LIE presets to a new geoshell rather than into the diffuse channel of the base figure.  It seems that it would be easy to do, but the opacity channel of the LIE presets have so far made my life difficult.  This would allow using LIE presets that were designed for a different UV layout on top of other surface textures.

    Is there any chance this is a possibility for a future DraagonStorm product?

    Not for another PAs LIE presets. Most of those are transparent png images. To be used on a geoshell a mask image file would need to be created for the opacity surface.

  • I was afraid of that  crying There isn't a magic trick to copy the alpha information from the LIE preset png image to the opacity channel?  I guess I'm stuck with locking the transparent pixels and flood-filling black and white to make my own opacity maps.

  • so basicly a more advanced version of skin builder pro which was limited to G2F covering not only G3F but also G3M and older gens cool so combining this with the brow and old age products pretty much covered and expanded on SBP

  • so basicly a more advanced version of skin builder pro which was limited to G2F covering not only G3F but also G3M and older gens cool so combining this with the brow and old age products pretty much covered and expanded on SBP

    No, this is not skin builder pro! Let alone a more advanced version. This let's you combine two different character material presets.

  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246

    Regarding your example with the lo-res male,  the use case would be to load several lo-res figures (not instances) and apply the same texture to each but blended using skin blender so you can make them all look subtly (or even bnot so subtly!) different for crowd sccenes while using only two diffuse textures for th whole crowd. memory savings galore.  This seems extremely useful for those of us with low memory nvidia cards.  The real question would come down to when the added geometry (as opposed to instances) exceeds the savings due to fewer textures.  If I get this (i'm on the fence) I'll definitely be doing some experiments.  Cool idea.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589
    edited November 2016


    Post edited by bicc39 on
  • bicc39 said:

    Purchased item today.

    Question (although I probably know the answer).

    Beside the "pdf" is there anyplace with more detailed instructions for use.

    Once again I have made an error in judgement and am seeking a remedy.

    Thank you

    Just the User's Guide. Did you have a specific question not covered?


  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589
    edited November 2016


    Post edited by bicc39 on
  • bicc39 said:

     Did you have a specific question not covered?

    More than you have the time to answer, or the space to answer it.

    My fault totally, assumed product came with detailed instructions of use.

    Obviously this product makes use of extensive knowledge, which I do not possess.

    Knew I was taking a chance, will keep , maybe someday in the future....

    One suggestion, might help to put some kind of disclaimer "for geograph (?) users only"


    I don't understand. This product does not use geograph. It will work with geographed genitalia if you have those applied to the figure.

    If you mean geoshells. The user does not need to have any knowledge of geoshells, the script(s) take care of all that for you.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589
    edited November 2016


    Post edited by bicc39 on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited November 2016

    bicc, geoshells are like a secondary skin. You can create them yourself by selecting the charcter, click on Create--> New Geoshell. It then creates a layer that has the same "layout" as the original character's skin. This blending product makes use of this by putting the one skin on the character, and the other skin on the geoshell, and then lower/increase the opacity of the geoshell (igf I understood it correctly)..

    I'm very sure that everyone is more than willing to explain to you things you don't know, but it would be helpful if you would point out just exactly what information you are missing in the instructions. What is "basic infiormation" for one person is "totally over the head" for another person. What you are doing, it is not really helpful - not to you, and not to Draagonstorem, who is really trying to help.

    Just my two cents as a fellow forumite.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589
    edited November 2016





    Post edited by bicc39 on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Well, when you ask for the manual to include very basic information, and in the same sentence say you don't want the PA to educate you, it is a bit of a contradiction. The problem also is, how basic does the information have to be? I mean, the problem appears to be so big for you, that you at least seemed to have considered returning the product, because you can't work ptoperly with it due to the lack of certain information. That is what I understood from your post, and also why Draagonstorm asked which part of the manual needs elaborate, and what exactly is missing. From your somewhat cryptic comment, nothing much can be guessed, and mindreading is still under construction. :-)

    I'm sorry if I can't express things better, and of course it is up to you what you do and don't do. :-)

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589
    edited November 2016


    Post edited by bicc39 on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Er............? Huh?

    What just happened?

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589
    edited November 2016


    Post edited by bicc39 on
  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited November 2016
    BeeMKay said:

    Er............? Huh?

    What just happened?

    No idea?

    The user of this script does not need any knowledge of what or how geoshells work. The script does that for them. That is the purpose of a lot of scripts.... make the purchaser's life easier for them by being able to use something they do not know how, or is very complicated or repetitive to do by hand.

    The only part of the script that I think may need "prior" knowledge beyond basic Daz Studio know how, would be navigating to the folders to where the material presets that the user wants to apply. Beyond that it's pretty simple to use:

    1) Load your figure (and genitals if wanted)

    2) Double click Skin Blender script

    3) Select material presets for base and blend

    4) Click "Apply Button"

    The rest are options..........

    Post edited by DraagonStorm on
  • bicc39 said:

    What just happened?

    Whatever point you were making, you won.

    I quit.

    It really wasn't worth a lot of time to get it to work.

    It sure as hell isn't worth all of  this.



    There's no contest here to win or loss.

    I really would like to know what you are having difficulty with. Others may also be having the same difficulty, and if I can answer your questions it would help them also. And help me in a future product to better explain in the User's Guide.


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