how to make texture shade run more smooth ?

how to make texture shade run more smooth ?
i am doing animation and when i press play in time line (not rendering) (if the sence have too many stuff )it will that setting problem or computer not fast enough or can it impove by changing the setting!!?
my pc:
i7 4790k
zotac gtx 970
ssd 4 gb left
How much RAM? What frame-rate? The specs don't look bad, RAM aside.
16gb ddr3
1888 or 2100 hz dont remember...
I meant for the animation - 30fps is usual.
the lagging really kill me when i move the parameters for a figures it take 2 sec to move in the screen
it is not the frame rate problem ......
how can i fix it? by buying new display card and ram help?
(the file i am working on is 15mb)