how to filter content by generation?

for a long time I was wondering why nothing is categorized by the figures generation? and there should be a way to do it. then I found out about filters and how ineffective they are for this purpose -_-. then I found tags and assumed they are the solution! I was thinking "surely when I click the genesis tag, all of figures tagged genesis will be listed and not genesis 2 or genesis 3." imagine my disappointment when the gen2 and gen3 figures appeared in the list and I found out there is no genesis 2 or genesis 3 tags, plus: not all of figures are tagged properly...
I mean realy? I opened DAZ 3d, clicked Figures, People, Female and selected Rune 7 to see the the most lazy tagging in my life... other than the vendors names there is no new information I didn't already have.(check the attachment) wouldn't it make sense to mention the base figure in there somewhere?

now I'm done with my nagging, is there a way to filter my content by generation? like when I'm searching a gen2 hair to fit on my gen3 figure and I don't want gen1 hair files get in my way and waste my time?

487 x 77 - 5K


  • Filter by Selection, with the base figure selected, should work (broadly - I have found and reported errors, and I'm sure others remain).

  • the problem is I want to use something from one generation to fit another, so selecting a figure is not a solution. I can load an additional figure and switch back and forth to find the right items but it's equally anoying and time consuming as guessing for people who have lots of content for different generation specially when the simple solution of adding few filters or proper tagging would solve it in a blink, I wonder if I can get one of daz developers attention to comment on this matter.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    You could do what I do- since I install everything manually, when I download the packages I also download the product images and place them in folders on my desktop. If I want to find a G2F hair to use on a G3F figure, I just go to my desktop and open DAZ products / Hair / G2F and there are the images of every G2F hair that I own. I can even see them full sized in my graphics program.
    Granted, when I decided to do this, I had over 3000 products, so going back and downloading all of the images took a while, but it's worth it. With just a couple of clicks and I can search for and see a full-size image of anything I own.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078
    edited October 2016

    DIM generally does this automatically in the Content Library tab. See attached.

    442 x 508 - 34K
    Post edited by fastbike1 on
  • Petercat said:

     I install everything manually,

    sounds like lots of unnecessary work for something a few additional tags can solve. there is always a simple solution but unfortunately I never saw a company with developers who listen to the clients. let's hope DAZ 3D is different.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited October 2016
    Petercat said:

     I install everything manually,

    sounds like lots of unnecessary work for something a few additional tags can solve. there is always a simple solution but unfortunately I never saw a company with developers who listen to the clients. let's hope DAZ 3D is different.

    It's a vastly superior method than is the mess called connect (my opinion obviously); I like catagorising my own, I know where it is, and all without a database on my system.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • nicstt said:

    It's a vastly superior method than is the mess called connect

    I hate connect as well therefore I use install manager but if I wanted to install everything manually I could go and download tons of packages on free websites, one of the reasons I buy things is: I pay and they appear in my install manager then smart content. nice and tidy, as a freelancer each hour of my time has a price tag on it and I don't want to waste it on copying, sorting and deleting files. plus, my hardware worn-out pretty fast, in past few months I changed 3 hard drives and that means installing everything again and again... gets very anoying very fast.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    Petercat said:

     I install everything manually,

    sounds like lots of unnecessary work for something a few additional tags can solve. there is always a simple solution but unfortunately I never saw a company with developers who listen to the clients. let's hope DAZ 3D is different.

    I don't have a choice. 3D computer never goes online.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    You can import the metadata even if you install manually.  You can also install with DIM on an offline computer, just put the zips in DIM's download folder and choose "Work Offline" when launching DIM.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    You can import the metadata even if you install manually.  You can also install with DIM on an offline computer, just put the zips in DIM's download folder and choose "Work Offline" when launching DIM.

    That's what I do. I just like having the large thumbnail images when I'm searching for a particular product in my desktop folders, and the option of opening up really large images for a better look in PaintDotNet.
    It's the easiest way to keep track of my content that I've found. Other people have other ways...

  • drinformationdrinformation Posts: 119
    edited November 2016

    I don't think all of that manual install thing is going to help me with my problem. I need a way to filter assets by generation in the smart content. and please don't suggest something like: ow you'rs hungry? buy a farm and plant some potatos. buying pizza is way easier.
    I want ot save time, not waste more of it.

    Post edited by drinformation on
  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    I don't think all of that manual install thing is going to help me with my problem. I need a way to filter assets by generation in the smart content. and please don't suggest something like: ow you'rs hungry? buy a farm and plant some potatos. buying pizza is way easier.
    I want ot save time, not waste more of it.

    Sorry to bother you. I hope you find a way to get everything you want without too much effort on your part.

  • don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to diminish your way of doing things, all I saying is: daz develepers should pay attention to their uses needs, after all the users pay for their needs... when something is an easy fix, just fix it.
    and maybe they could read some of the forum posts sometimes. I never got a solution to my problem on this forum, all I got was oh yeah daz doesn't do that, you should do this and that and it would look like that your problem is not important anymore.

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