Symbol on a Supersuit

For more simple textures, I've previously figured out how to pull up the texture files and make minor alterations as desired, but the supersuit appears to be something quite different. I'm making a superhero, and would like to put a symbol on his chest... but I have no idea how to even start to do so.
How would I go about doing so?
Thank you for the assistance.
Although the Supersuit is designed to use shaders it is still uv mapped, so you should be able to add a symbol in the usual way
Perhaps I've not been doing it in the usual way, then. Normally, I select the surface texture map, open it in photoshop, make modifications I desire, and apply the new surface texture map. I'm not seeing that as an option here. Is there a different way I'm unaware of?
Although there is no default textures for the Supersuit as it is shader driven you can download the texture template at this link -
Using the template as a guide you can then create a custom texture with symbol.
It is also possible to add a symbol using shader mixer and alpha maps if you wish to use the shaders but this is a rather advanced method and would require you to know your way around shader mixer.
In the preview thread for the suit a Daz staffer (DAZ_Rand?) created symbols by applying the texture to Genesis and using a displacement map to pus it through the suit.
Thank you for your help!
I'm still lost -- I've downloaded the template and created the texture I want -- but I can't seem to apply the texture to the supersuit. Whenever I try, it just repeats a smaller copy of the texture several times, instead of applying the texture as intended. I must be missing something obvious.
See if tiling is set on the Surfaces tab.
That did it! Thank you so much!