Decimator in Game development kit DS4.5 only?

I only got installers for DS4.5
was hoping for DS3A too but apparently not, I already had FBX exporter anyway so wondering if I should have gotten just Decimator by itself?
I need to also work out if I download the latest DS4.5 for it to work?
uninstall it and find my installer for the older version I have
or remove the dll and rerun the installer for my older version and enter the serial.
at present just gets a red icon in plugins saying it is for a later version of DS4.5
as does GenX btw but that DID work, admittedly have not tried it yet though, not on computer at the moment, just asking about DS3 at present.
You would need to write to Support about this.
I just reset my downloads for Decimator, and I only got the DS 4.5 versions as well, it should have included the DS3A version as well, since that is what I originally bought.
Decimator is apart of DS4.5...
Go to window/tabs/decimator to bring into your scene...
Decimator is NOT part of the free DS4 or DS4.5, it is a paid for item only.
If you have not previously bought Decimator it will not work as it requires a serial number. Due to contractual reasons, Decimator can not be given away for free as part of DS.
I had just bought it today, that is why I downloaded it.
will look into DS3 later, at least I know it is not just me
they prob phasing it out
finally got my DS4.5.0.90 vesion working!!
only 64 bit though
had to run later installer
choose uninstall previous version then cancel
then found the one on my external drive that came with my build
ran that and got serial dialogue
entered it
all cool!!
this is what I WAS getting btw pic below
trying it out on a facegen character
I reduded the polys on Genesis, the hair, shirt and pants to around 8000-9000 polys each
pants went nutzoid
the fibermesh beard was 300 000+ polys went down to about 10 000- 11 000
coped quite well
before and after
removing smoothing/mesh collision fixed it
same character WITH SHOES not baby morph in iClone