Daz 3D scenes and how to convert them for use in iClone 6

Hi Guys,

I have tried many ways to convert Daz 3D scenes to iClone 6 with mix results. I am exporting from Daz to iClone's 3Dexchange then from 3Dexchange  to iClone 6. Sometimes walls are missing  doors look wired lighting seems wrong. Can someone please give me a step by step on the best way to convert Daz 3D scenes to iClone 6 .

Thanks in advance.....





  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612

    it varies a lot depending how the scene is made

    some work better as FBX others obj

    some use instances you have to export as props to add

    also backfaces often need to be ticked on materials in 3Dx

    there really is no one answer as it varies so much,

    3delight materials work better than iray

  • Thanks ToeJam for the info....

  • ian_16d9c66aian_16d9c66a Posts: 12
    edited October 2016

    This is to do with the same topic sometimes on 3Dexchange  I get the error out of memory error when exporting to iClone 6 is there any workaround for this?




    Post edited by ian_16d9c66a on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612

    smaller scenes, export in bits

    also I often delete all the bump etc maps in D|S if I don't think it needs it

  • From my limited experience, Daz scenes are very polygon heavy, and that upsets 3DXchange and Iclone.  It takes time, but exporting on a component by component basis, and decimating the meshes before hand is somewhat satisfactory.  If you do a Youtube search you'll find quite a few tutorials.  

    Don't expect lighting to translate from Daz to Iclone -- while there are similarities, you will have to relight every scene in Iclone.  As ToeJam has pointed out, 3Delight textures are the most reliable, because Iclone doesn't have a good PBR (I don't even know what that stands for!) renderer.

    In otherwords, make lots of tests and start small (a chair, a table, low-poly props), so you can see the problems before they choke your system.

    Good Luck!

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