/vidal-braids-for-genesis-2-female show gray in Iray renders

I'm trying to use these hairs with Iray but watever color I use they show gray like the texture insn't seen by the rendered.
When I try to change color, the hair color show in the viewport but not on the render.
Edit: Aparently it's not on all the colors, the brawn and black hairs show gray but not some other colors I tested changed the tint.
Edit 2: No they are all messed up, the hair cap turn solid color on all of them so they are all inusable.
Post edited by Androol on
I've run into this with this hair as well. I will try and go in tomorrow and see if I remember how I fixed it. Its well past midnight here so will have to wait til tomorrow.
The gamma was set incorrectly by the artist. In the Surfaces pane, select the image map in the Diffuse Color channel. Click on the little image Icon and select Image Editor. Then change the gamma from 1 to 0 or 2.2. Do this to each of the hair surfaces.
Thx, I'll try that.
Worked fine, thx it's far better with textures. ^^
Several AprilYSH hair products have that same error, so if you see this problem again, try the same fix.
You can also save a Material preset (File>Save As>Material Preset) with your corrections so you can use it again in another scene without having to go through the whole gamma correction ordeal again.
I had the similar problem with philippa hair for g2f but the gamma didnt fix it. It should be somthing diferent.
Some color are working but col2 and col6 dont, the ones I was intending to use of course. ^^
Still it worked perfectly on the Braids so thx again.
I think I just goes with a lighter tint and add some darker difuse color I think it will do the tricks.
I wonder why daz dont fix them the braids comming from a pro pack it dont look that pro.
I'll try to use the save thing if I figure our how to overwright the messed up ones.
If it's an Iray material and nothing seems to work...look at the Translucency...if the Translucency Weight is greater than 0, and there is no map or color in the Translucency color channel, the pure white will 'blow out' everything else and you could very well end up with some shade of grey.
Well as most G2F It's not an iray material but most of them work aparently. But I made it by starting by a working one and make it darker to fit what I wanted.
Thanks everybody! Finally decided to use this hair, and couldn't figure out what the heck I was doing wrong. After wasting hours with trial and error attempts I just googled the problem and sure enough I didn't invent some new problem no one had ever had before.