Saved Puppeteer presets not working?

Is anyone able to save a Puppeteer preset and then load it to a new figure and have it work? I tried saving a Puppeteer preset for Genesis with four morphed faces (as dots), but when I loaded it for a new Genesis, the dots had saved no data. I asked some DAZ guys about this, but no one responded.
Thanks in advance.
I saved as scene - works then - hope that helps you .
Thanks, but I don't want to save as a scene, I want to save a Puppeteer preset of expressions that can then be applied to any Genesis figure. That's kind of the point of Puppeteer. :)
if it works my way why not use it ?
if it works my way why not use it ?
I am sorry - after more work - its a bomb .
and yes saved preset doesn't work for me .
OK, thank you for confirming it. I wanted to know if it was broken and if it doesn't work for you either, then we can report it as a bug. Thank you for testing.
save as pupetteir preset,, dsa !!!
not save as duf.
you can find the menu from top >save as>depricated,, pupettier preset .
it work about FBM with genesis, each layer dot.
There was a known error with saving a .duf puppeteer preset in
the .duf file has the lines where the Genesis morph infomation is suppose to be written, but they are blank...
It is working now as far as I can tell in Beta... Genesis morphs are saving to the .duf preset and loading back into Puppeteer just as they where saved...
Though I don't really use Puppeteer all that much to know if it works the way people use it...
Hope this helps... :)
I will not download beta ver,, untill every prolblem has reported about beta ver,, in this forum topic, ^^;
then ,, I will download it.
anyway,, about .duf preset can not save ,as it was recorded about genesis, in ds 4.5 1.6 prodcut ver.
(but about exporession, and pose,, it can save,,
dsa pupettier preset can save pupettier layer without problem.
when I aplly the dsa layer,, the layer scale sometimes,, seems broken, and every dots gathered one area.
but from tab option, "zoom to fit",, it can adjust the range . ^^;