Assign object face groups to bones

Is it possible to assign object face groups to bones, I'm not interested in weight mapping but rather so called legacy parametric bones.
I have a prop object and I'm trying to add some bones to it without weight maps, in the V4 style.
Yes, that is in fact how legacy rigging works (a bone may affect its own mesh and that of its immediate parent - children of the bone move as a unit, and all other bones are unaffected). Once you have your grouped OBJ you need to import it into the Geometry Lists section of the Figure Setup pane, then drag into the Relationships area and rearrange the hierarchy, welding and rotation order as required.
How ?
The figure setup tab doesn't have any geometry in it and I can't work out how to put geometry in it.
Sorry, right-click in the Geometry Lists are to add new mesh to the pane.