Two questions

I have tow questions.
1. How do you get a reflection from a mirror? I know it about lighting but nothing else.
2. In the plug ins I see a poser importer, whats does that do ?
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I have tow questions.
1. How do you get a reflection from a mirror? I know it about lighting but nothing else.
2. In the plug ins I see a poser importer, whats does that do ?
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Hi SteveBerr3D
1./ you go to the "Surfaces" panel in Daz Studio, and adjust the "Reflection strength" setting / value.
2./ It allows Daz Studio to import and export in Poser formats such as CR2, PZ2 etc.
If you click on any Plug-in on the list , it'll show you a brief explanation of what that plugin does.
EG: Poser importers :
Provides the ability to import Poser format assets (pz3, pz2, cr2, lt2, cm2, pp2, fc2, hd2, hr2 - and their compressed counterparts). Additionally provides the ability import the ascii Wavefront Object (.obj) format.
Hope it helps :)
I am not sure where the surface panel is,does it say surface (color) and what do I look for? I am still new to this
yes, surface tab means surface(color) tab. they seems different as ds version)
if you keep defalut preferences, you can find "surface (color)" , on "Actors ,wardlobe & Props pane."
and if It is not shown ,(go topmenu window>tabs)
you can input "words" for serching the parameter easily.
Image cropped to meet size requirements. Please review this for details.
wow I can not remove and resize image ><; sorry men!</p>
ok,I found the tab and am playing with it on a mirror, I still don't have a reflection yet,I should figure it out tho.
I think this tutorial is for you, I try it now!:coolsmile:
The reflections only show up in an actual render, you won't see it in the viewport. Also there needs to be something in the scene to cast a reflection. Otherwise it will just reflect nothing, wich will result in a palin black mirror in the render i think.
I found the tab and controls,but when I do a spot render all I get are shadows,it could be the mirror tho,I'll keep trying. are there any freebe links to mirroes that do work?
Hi SteveBerr3D :)
try this,. load a scene with the default genesis figure, then add a Plane (create / new primitive / plane) select the plane and go to the surfaces tab,.
Change the colour to Black,. and adjust the reflection strength to 100%
In your rendering settings adjust the slider to use 3Delight
or just try the same shader settings and render setting on your scene with the mirror.
Hope it helps :)
wooooh! thanks 3DAGE, good tutorial!!
I try now, too.
then,,I fell ,, as if uhhh,, I'm like a photo artist? wu yeah!
yes I can lern so many here:)
I tried what you showed me and I still get a shadow instead of a:long: reflection,I do have daz 4 pro it that helps
HI Steve,. can you post a pic of what you're seeing,.
Also,.. make sure you're rendering using the 3Delight and not Open GL,..
Open GL cannot calculate and display reflections in the scene,.. reflections only show in the rendered image.
Also .. Having some light in the scene, and perhaps other objects, or an environment, (to reflect),.. and making sure that your camera angle is set up to show the subject in the mirror.