For Genesis uv question, using different UV setting on same character?

I was looking at this product I was wondering if I use a S5 character like the new S5 Elite texture with the Wet body product or do I have to use the wet body product only with V4 and M4 textures? I want to make any of my Genesis characters to be wet not just M4 or V4 textures.
Also I think there are some displacement maps products made for V4/M4. I know I own some of them. I was wondering if I could use those displacement maps on a Gen 5 texture?
I don't believe that you can mix V4/V5 maps on the same figure.
My Genesis is UV Mapped for V4, M4, Kids4, M5 and V5, as well as the Genesis Male/Female, but you have to select the UV Set from the Surfaces tab. Genesis loads with the V4 UV map as default, so you could use V4 with wet maps and displacement as long as they are all made for V4. The same would apply to V5 or M5, they would all need to be made for that character as I think you can only select one UV set to work from.
if apply Full body specular channel with S5 texture,
it mess up ,, it apply specular map for V4.on S5 texture,,, so which uv map you used,
it broken. I am scared the pic,,,
but there are option modifer,,and one sweat layer,,
which need to adjust the positon,, on the ILE,, they can use with SP5 or V5texture, with sp5 uv map, or V5 map.
I tried it with SP5 default texture,, UVset SP5.
I know this pic is so bad,, but it may work,,(I do not check it with IBL etc still)
The problem isn't mixing different uv sets on a single figure, the problem is mixing them on a single material - that you can';t do in DS, sadly, it would require making the UV set a texture setting rather than a material zone setting as it is now.
Higher end packages can have two or more UV sets layered over the same surface, which is beneficial for different types of effects. For instance, using procedural shader projection (like spherical projection) to layer over a UV texture.
DS 5 or 6 might get that feature. For now, we have variable UV, which is a HUGE advance for us.
I THINK DS4.5 has projection mapping, but I don't yet know how to take advantage of it if it does... (someone correct me on this, pls)
I'm not sure that DS has projection-mapping built in, though you might be able to fake it using Shader Mixer.
I have the supersuit, and all the material options that come with it suggests, at least, that it has material projection. I just can't figure out how it works... :( Me dense that way.
The Supersuit makes heavy use of Shader Mixer - and that does give access to the actual coordinates of the mesh, which can be used for projection mapping and the like.