PC+ sale here now, any must-buys for Cararra? The Wrap-up and unfinished business



  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited October 2016

    My experience is that getting opinions in this forum about Carrara's render engine is like pulling teeth.



    Let me restate that - "My experience is that getting opinions in this forum about Carrara's render engine is like pulling teeth - EXCEPT FOR DART."  I have asked for comments before, and you were basically one of the very few who responded.

    I'm sorry that you're having difficulties. I can be hard to tell whether you're asking a question or making a nasty remark sometimes.

    This is always a problem with internet forums.  You can't hear my tone of voice, nor see my face.  And for the exact same reason, I am stunned by your comment.  Can you give me an example of a "nasty remark?"  I have not made a remark on this forum in anger, or to knowingly hurt someone, ever.  If you can give me an example, I will be as dispassionate as possible in responding.

    I great way to get the precise teaching you're missing is to create a new thread whose title is a specific question, then give as much details about your question in the first post of that thread.

    I'm starting a thread next week to ask many basic, specific questions, as I mentioned to 3DAGE in the last post.

    When someone responds, answer back as to whether that helped or not - if you understand it or not. Try to not insult them if they ask for more information

    Again, you surprise me with the accusation that I have insulted people.  Please give me an example where someone has asked me for more information, and I have insulted them.  There are plenty of comments back and forth where one party gives an opinion, and the other responds with a different opinion, but no way is that an insult, not is it intended as such.

    3DAGE - have I insulted you?  Please let me know.

    PhilW - Have I insulted you?  Please let me know.

    Diomede - Have I insulted you?  Please let me know.

    TangoAlpha, have I insulted you?  Please let me know.

    Dart and anyone else, if you have felt insulted by me, then I sincerely apologize.  I am not joking, or being sarcastic, or anything else.  I am being sincere.

    - they're usually (especially 3DAGE - but everybody else too) trying to help you solve your problem. It's amazing how quickly we can all learn together here.

    In the enthusiastic desire to help, there is also a lot of unsolicited advice given here.  If I resist that advice, for whatever reason, please don't take it as an insult.  In my case, I am often not ready for the information (as I have stated multiple times).  And no one else but me can make that determination.

    Further, if I point out something that appears lacking in Carrara, stop please stop interpreting it as an attack on God and country.smiley  In making sense out of Carrara, I have to look at both sides closely.  It's how I learn.  If I mildly debate an issue, its to gain more perspective, and NEVER to insult.

    The truth is, I'm rooting for Carrara to be the program that I hope will best fill my needs.  My approach to gaining knowledge may seem odd to you, but I'm on your side, believe it or not.

    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    No insult here, and for my part, I can't even recall seeing anything that could be interpreted that way.

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited October 2016
    PhilW said:

    You are quite right, no rocks or grass seems an odd omission. But we are where we are, and at least there are some good ones easily available, and it is not difficult to create your own. Glad you are finding the tutorials useful!

    Finally, someone agreed!  Not only that, but you summed it up nicely.  Thank you, Phil.

    I'm buying your Carrara 8.5 tutorial TODAY, btw.  The wife gave her OK.smiley

    PhilW said:

    UnifiedBrain - just to pick up on a couple of points, you mentioned that DS users find the Carrara interface unfriendly, I don't think it is at all, it's just that it is different from DS and therefore feels unfamiliar. If you want an unfriendly interface, try using Blender! But in the end, it comes down to what you are familiar with. As a mainly Carrara user, I still feel a bit lost when using DS sometimes, and I am sure that is the case in the reverse direction. Once you get used to it, both programs can browse, load, pose and render pretty smoothly (with the obvious exceptions of Genesis 3 etc).

    It is great to hear that perspective, Phil.  It's still early in my apples to apples evaluation, but at this point I suspect that you are exactly correct, that it is more abut being unfamiliar with the Carrara interface, and less about it actually being difficult.  However, it is still difficult for me, so I am just offering a theory, while you are speaking from actual experience.

    PhilW said:

    The other one I wanted to pick up on is Carrara's native renderer - I have always found it to be very fast and very capable. It is set up for speed rather than quality though, harking back to when computers were a lot less powerful than they are now. But with a few adjustments, it can produce some very realistic renders with still acceptable render times - this is largely what my "Realism Rendering" tutorial title is all about, and in many circumstances it can rival the output of iRay and other physically based renderers.  And it supports (out of the box) things like Carrara's hair and replicators that allow hugely complex scenes to be rendered very efficiently. I have attached an example character loaded and rendered with Carrara's native engine and with Carrara hair added (in this case my Paige Hair product).

    Nice job on the render, and wonderful context on the render engine.  For some reason, you seem to understand where I am coming from.  Grateful for that.

    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    ​​​UnifiedBrain said: Diomede - Have I insulted you?  Please let me know.

    I strongly encourage you to keep asking questions and providing feedback and venting frustration. We all experience frustration (believe me, I think I am more frustrated with the frickin "panes" in Studio than new folks are with the "actor" level vs Genesis level in Carrara).  In other threads, I will continue to try to provide information that I think people in general might benefit from, recognizing that I will fall short of perfect clarity.  In this thread, I will continue to try to answer any questions that people post that I think I can answer, including and especially yours as the original poster. 


    Everyone, take a deep breath, hold it, and exhale slowly.  It is all good.  People have questions and other people are trying to provide answers. I often learn from the answers, so I hope the conversation continues.

    400 x 415 - 15K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    Sorry UB, "Insulting" wasn't the right word. It was just a few things said to 3DAGE while he was being very kind that through my tired brain for a loop is all... like you've said - all just a misunderstanding. You've never said anything 'bad' to me... not at all.

    Like I said in another thread. Hauling (by hand), Laying (by hand) and chiseling stone puts me in terrible pain, which causes me to become grumpy. I should learn to stay away from the forums during such times.

    Sorry man.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,086

    I think its just your flippant way of stating stuff, prob meant to be tongue in cheek but possibly loses something in text as you admit.

    I upset others too online with Australian coloquialisms often they do not get.

    I do see your point on the rocks, Bryce and Vue have rocks I think, a terrain creating software usually has rocks as well as trees and water etc but think rather than missing the trees for the forest its a case of missing the rocks for the terrain.

    there are a few "rocky" terrains that if scaled with a zero edge filter and surface replicated with their hotpoints set to the middle would make perfectly viable rocks on another terrain.

    Its a matter more of playing with filters and parameters in the terrain room,  scaling, less zeros in terrain texture layers etc.


  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Thanks to Stezza and Dart for commenting favorably on my cartoon render.  It was my very first render ever posted.  I conceived it yesterday morning, worked on it in the afternoon, and posted in the evening - very fast for me, but probably as slow as molasses to the pros here.  The background was purposely kept black, and the terrain an eerie green to further enhance the surreal aspect of the cartoon.  Aside from trying to have a bit of fun, it was a great Carrara learning experience, as I had to review almost all the on-board Carrara content to choose items for the scene.  Carrara has a bunch of stuff!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited October 2016

    I think at least 3 people were typing simultaneously.  My post probably seems odd because it is out of order, but I hope the sentiment is still meaningful.  wink

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    That's what I do for both rocks and grass.

    I make a small (10'x10') terrain piece, use my Woodlands shaders (one is for grassy setting) which has grass and rocks and some leaves, and make it nice and bumpy.

    Then I hide that under my main terrain, pulling it up just enough to expose some grass and rocks.

    I take that piece and duplicate it, rotate, move, and duplicate again and again and again. Just adjust them how they work best. I very seldom actually add blades of grass to my scenes.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,086

    oh also I chop rock props in half in the vertex room if submeged in ground for less mesh, like the terrain idea.

    the displacement on a terrain can simulate grass too with the spots natural function or noise.

    Just in bump often enough if not close.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    Yup. For me, by the time the camera is close, it's up by the character's face - not the grass ;)

    So bump is fine for me

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    This one shows the general principle

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Phil,  Absolutely wonderful Rozanna. I'll bet even the background is simply a plane with a cool shader of your design applied.

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Sorry UB, "Insulting" wasn't the right word. It was just a few things said to 3DAGE while he was being very kind that through my tired brain for a loop is all... like you've said - all just a misunderstanding. You've never said anything 'bad' to me... not at all.

    Thanks!  I'm a big fan, so I would be unhappy if you were ticked at me.  There are many times I come on the forum, and you are posting in about 6 threads at the same time, pushing boundaries in each one.  Don't know how you find the energy.

    Like I said in another thread. Hauling (by hand), Laying (by hand) and chiseling stone puts me in terrible pain, which causes me to become grumpy. I should learn to stay away from the forums during such times.

    I did read in another thread where you complained about "stones," but I had no idea what you meant.  I thought it was kidney stones.  Very sorry to hear of your pain.  If you need any help sorting out an approach to eliminate your physical pain, please send me a private message.  I have been working in the alternative health area for over 25 years, and I know a few things.

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited October 2016
    diomede said:

    Nice convenient list!  Thanks for taking the time to make it.  I visited every single link.

    BTW - I think that you left off Matcreator.

    And that reminds me, I am a fan of the Daz shader pack that comes with the genesis supersuit.  Are there any Carrara shaders on the market that are functionally equal?



    supersuit base shaders.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 348K
    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • Hermit CrabHermit Crab Posts: 841
    edited October 2016

    Something that will probably be forgotten by most seasoned Carrara users is that there are features of the program that seem to be very seldom used by anyone but which sit alongside the other tools looking just as important.  An example is the Storyboard Room.

    I know that Carrara has an interesting history of how it came to be.  There was a thread on the subject describing how several previous programs were developed and merged and how ownership of the program changed a few times.

    Setting the real history aside for a moment, Carrara always seems to me to be like a program where the creators, at a moment in time some years back, decided to make a general all-round 3d package and put into it all the features such a package could wish for in those days.

    So we have a Spline modeller, a Vertex modeller, Metaballs, Landscapes, Vertex animation, Bones-based animation and so on.

    Since that moment (which exists in my imagination), the world of 3d has developed and fashions have come and gone.  Spline or Patch modelling seems to be largely a thing of the past.  Vertex Modelling (box modelling) is still very much alive but Metaballs seem to have had their day.  (Although they could merely be lacking a champion to show the rest of us what they can do.  I reckon that a metaball figure could be further sculpted and re-topologised and such a model might be done very quickly).

    What I'm getting at is that a stranger to Carrara might think that everything in the package has equal weight and that all of it needs to be learned.  Whereas a long-term user will have forgotten that certain features even exist because they are simply never used any more.

    I have gone just about as far as I want to with trying out new software - where does it end?  So Carrara is just fine for me as the central home of my endeavors.  I can get respectable results with Hexagon for modelling these days and can animate quickly in Iclone and I also like Poser.  The final software item for my needs is 3dCoat which I haven't yet used nearly enough.

    If I wanted to start saying that Carrara needs to develop further then I think it would be along the lines of today's sculpting packages.  Dynamic tessalation, voxel sculpting, etc.  Others might prefer more particles, liquids and so on.  I don't know enough about game engines to even know whether these compete with software like Carrara except to say that the animations from games these days are breathtaking.

    But to reiterate my main point: a newcomer to Carrara may not realize that some aspects are seldom needed by most users nowadays.  Such newcomers might feel a little overwhelmed by what they find on opening it up.

    Spelling edit

    Post edited by Hermit Crab on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited October 2016

    Good points, Marcus.


    UB - there are Carrara shader packs available.  Ringomonfort has some.  There are others as well.  (Holyforest?)  http://www.daz3d.com/ringomonfort

    Here is a link to Ringo's bundled shader packs.


    Post edited by Diomede on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited October 2016
    ToeJam said:

    I think its just your flippant way of stating stuff, prob meant to be tongue in cheek but possibly loses something in text as you admit.

    Flippant means "disrespectful or not serious."  Not sure why you are interpreting me in that way, as my intent does not match those terms.  But internet communication is a challenge, I agree.

    ToeJam said:

    I upset others too online with Australian coloquialisms often they do not get.

    I have some friends in the land of Oz.  I understand.smiley

    ToeJam said:

    I do see your point on the rocks, Bryce and Vue have rocks I think, a terrain creating software usually has rocks as well as trees and water etc but think rather than missing the trees for the forest its a case of missing the rocks for the terrain.

    Ha!  Was that a pun?  Hard to know for sure, but appreciated.

    ToeJam said:

    there are a few "rocky" terrains that if scaled with a zero edge filter and surface replicated with their hotpoints set to the middle would make perfectly viable rocks on another terrain.

    Its a matter more of playing with filters and parameters in the terrain room,  scaling, less zeros in terrain texture layers etc.

    I'm not there yet - maybe a few more weeks - but good to know!


    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    diomede said:

    I think at least 3 people were typing simultaneously.  My post probably seems odd because it is out of order, but I hope the sentiment is still meaningful.  wink

    Yes, thanks for responding, and for the reminder to keep the focus on the goal of learning.  I don't think that I am quite as frustrated as you think, but yeah, it does help to stop occasionally and do something else for a while.

    As for your comment on shaders, I have looked at several packages.  I guess that I am hoping to find more or less the exact same shaders in Carrara as are in the supersuit package.  Not likely, but I needed to ask.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited October 2016

    I would recommend taking a look at the functions available to affect a mixer in the shader tree.  It is very simple to create patterns,  Insert a primitive sphere and a primitive cube.  Have them use the same texture and edit the master (edit both at same time).  In the shader tree color channel, choose OPERATION : MIXER.  You will be offered two colors.  I chose white and blue.  You then choose the blender.  In the following,I experimented with PATTERN : CHECKERS,   NATURAL : LUMBER YARD,  and PATTERN : WIRES but played with the settings a little.  You can nest operators within operators to make very detailed shaders.  Save them for future use by dragging them to your shader browser.

    vv02 checkers blender.JPG
    795 x 595 - 65K
    vv03 checkers in blender render.jpg
    640 x 480 - 21K
    vv05 lumber yard.jpg
    640 x 480 - 36K
    vv07 wires.jpg
    640 x 480 - 37K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    HI UB,. :)

    I''ve not found anything you've said insulting,. but as you mention, it's difficult to identify someones meaning and intent in a text based forum, so it's easy to grab hold of the wrong end of a stick. 

    there are aslo some sad folks who, for fun,. jump into forums like this,. and ask questions which will intentionally cause a ruckus,. 

    sometimes it's hard to tell the legitimately curious user,.. from the intentionally mischevious.


    I'm Scottish,. so you'd need to try really hard to insult me,. we've been getting insulted proffesionally for more than a thousand years. :)

    Keep asking questions,. keep exploring stuff ,.


  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    3DAGE said:

    HI UB,. :)

    I''ve not found anything you've said insulting,. but as you mention, it's difficult to identify someones meaning and intent in a text based forum, so it's easy to grab hold of the wrong end of a stick. 

    Thanks, good to know!

    3DAGE said:

    there are aslo some sad folks who, for fun,. jump into forums like this,. and ask questions which will intentionally cause a ruckus,. 

    I FULLY understand.  I am a moderator on another forum which has about 30,000 members, but only a few thousand are fully active.  Still, it's a handful at times.

    3DAGE said:

    I'm Scottish,. so you'd need to try really hard to insult me,. we've been getting insulted proffesionally for more than a thousand years. :)

    Well, I have Irish blood, so our relationship is probably doomed from the start. smiley

    3DAGE said:

    Keep asking questions,. keep exploring stuff ,.

    Dart mentioned earlier that you inspired him to take up Carrara.  Thanks for your continuing mentorship!

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    TangoAlpha, have I insulted you?  Please let me know.


    Not that I'm aware of, but I'm pretty thick skinned and probably wouldn't notice (or I wasn't paying attention, which happens) As to why there are no rocks or grass, I suppose they had to stop somewhere. It was probably arbitary, but someone I expect said "we've got enough stuff" and that was it. otherwise they could go on adding props after props after props, and wherever they stopped someone would still say, "why didn't they add this or that?" There will always be something that someone wants that isn't included.

    As it stands, I often find myself making grass props. Sometimes they're the simple 4-6-8-poly flat triangles, sometimes they're a bit more ornate. And rocks too, although I don't regularly cut the bottoms off (cos you can turn a rock over, and presto, it's a different rock!)

    track grass.png
    512 x 512 - 313K
    tall grass.png
    512 x 512 - 134K
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008

    I've got English, Irish and Scottish blood and born and raised in Australia.....


    Look Out!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited October 2016
    diomede said:

    Nice convenient list!  Thanks for taking the time to make it.  I visited every single link.

    BTW - I think that you left off Matcreator.

    And that reminds me, I am a fan of the Daz shader pack that comes with the genesis supersuit.  Are there any Carrara shaders on the market that are functionally equal?

    Speaking of Matcreator, he has a really cool shader pack for Carrara. I haven't picked it up yet... but I really want to! :)

    Here's the one I'm talking about: Carrara Pro Master Shaders



    ...and here's a 3D Paint Brushes pack he makes to go along with the above shaders set

    (Carrara's 3D Paint feature can be really fun!)

    Here's another Carrara Shaders pack he makes: MatCreators Massive Material Multi-Pack for Carrara

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    diomede said:

    ​​​UnifiedBrain said: Diomede - Have I insulted you?  Please let me know.

    I strongly encourage you to keep asking questions and providing feedback and venting frustration. We all experience frustration (believe me, I think I am more frustrated with the frickin "panes" in Studio than new folks are with the "actor" level vs Genesis level in Carrara).  In other threads, I will continue to try to provide information that I think people in general might benefit from, recognizing that I will fall short of perfect clarity.  In this thread, I will continue to try to answer any questions that people post that I think I can answer, including and especially yours as the original poster. 


    Everyone, take a deep breath, hold it, and exhale slowly.  It is all good.  People have questions and other people are trying to provide answers. I often learn from the answers, so I hope the conversation continues.

    I love you Man!!!

    Thanks diomede!!!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,086
    edited October 2016
    3DAGE said:

    HI UB,. :)

    I''ve not found anything you've said insulting,. but as you mention, it's difficult to identify someones meaning and intent in a text based forum, so it's easy to grab hold of the wrong end of a stick. 

    there are aslo some sad folks who, for fun,. jump into forums like this,. and ask questions which will intentionally cause a ruckus,. 

    sometimes it's hard to tell the legitimately curious user,.. from the intentionally mischevious.


    I'm Scottish,. so you'd need to try really hard to insult me,. we've been getting insulted proffesionally for more than a thousand years. :)

    Keep asking questions,. keep exploring stuff ,.


    ironically I made this the other day in Carrara though Chohole informs us they grow everwhere but Scotland, they certainly grow in my yard in Australia, are noxious weeds.


    I used the spike modifier to create mesh, those modifiers are often an under utilised feature too and yes I have used metaballs too for somebody who wanted a blobby figure in D|S

    not rigged but animated with morphs!

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    Stezza said:

    I've got English, Irish and Scottish blood and born and raised in Australia.....


    Look Out!

    Heh heh.  Funny AND clever.

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    TangoAlpha, have I insulted you?  Please let me know.


    Not that I'm aware of, but I'm pretty thick skinned and probably wouldn't notice (or I wasn't paying attention, which happens)

    OK, thanks for answering.  Sorry to ask so many of you directly, but I had to know.  Surprised away that every single person responded, and took the time to add thoughtful comments.  Amazing and classy members on this forum.

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited October 2016

    Something that will probably be forgotten by most seasoned Carrara users is that there are features of the program that seem to be very seldom used by anyone but which sit alongside the other tools looking just as important.  An example is the Storyboard Room.

    I know that Carrara has an interesting history of how it came to be.  There was a thread on the subject describing how several previous programs were developed and merged and how ownership of the program changed a few times.

    Setting the real history aside for a moment, Carrara always seems to me to be like a program where the creators, at a moment in time some years back, decided to make a general all-round 3d package and put into it all the features such a package could wish for in those days.

    So we have a Spline modeller, a Vertex modeller, Metaballs, Landscapes, Vertex animation, Bones-based animation and so on.

    Since that moment (which exists in my imagination), the world of 3d has developed and fashions have come and gone.  Spline or Patch modelling seems to be largely a thing of the past.  Vertex Modelling (box modelling) is still very much alive but Metaballs seem to have had their day.  (Although they could merely be lacking a champion to show the rest of us what they can do.  I reckon that a metaball figure could be further sculpted and re-topologised and such a model might be done very quickly).

    What I'm getting at is that a stranger to Carrara might think that everything in the package has equal weight and that all of it needs to be learned.  Whereas a long-term user will have forgotten that certain features even exist because they are simply never used any more.

    I have gone just about as far as I want to with trying out new software - where does it end?  So Carrara is just fine for me as the central home of my endeavors.  I can get respectable results with Hexagon for modelling these days and can animate quickly in Iclone and I also like Poser.  The final software item for my needs is 3dCoat which I haven't yet used nearly enough.

    If I wanted to start saying that Carrara needs to develop further then I think it would be along the lines of today's sculpting packages.  Dynamic tessalation, voxel sculpting, etc.  Others might prefer more particles, liquids and so on.  I don't know enough about game engines to even know whether these compete with software like Carrara except to say that the animations from games these days are breathtaking.

    But to reiterate my main point: a newcomer to Carrara may not realize that some aspects are seldom needed by most users nowadays.  Such newcomers might feel a little overwhelmed by what they find on opening it up.

    Spelling edit

    Thanks for the interesting perspective, Marcus.  Great big-picture stuff, somewhat unique from other views I have read.  My view is that there are at least two camps that want to see Carrara improved - those who would like more features (probably the majority of users) and those like myself who would like it to be made a bit more friendly for the new user.   I don't think that one has to exclude the other.  But I'm going to deal with what it is right now, and see if it becomes as friendly as Studio currently is for me.

    Just yesterday, I opened Studio for the first time in a couple of weeks, and just fooling around I loaded a new item (Modern bed 1), applied new shaders to multiple surfaces, and rendered it multiple times, all in less than 2 minutes.  Easy peasy.  So, I thought, "how long would this take in Carrara?"  Surprisingly, it only took about 5 minutes, and the resulting render looked even nicer than the Studio render.  Getting there!

    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
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