Serial # Invalid

I am fiinally installing Carrara 8 but when I enter the serial # that is in my account it keeps giving me an error saying the serial # is invalid. How do I get the serial number to work?
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I am fiinally installing Carrara 8 but when I enter the serial # that is in my account it keeps giving me an error saying the serial # is invalid. How do I get the serial number to work?
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Hi Kharma
If you've just bought Carrara 8,. then you may have Two versions of Carrara in your downloads,
The Carrara 8 , and the 8.5 beta.
The serial number from your Account, is for Carrara 8,.
Also,.. If you've copied the serial number from the web page,
try pasting it into a text document, and then copy that and paste it into carrara.
Sometimes you can accidentally pick up an extra space at the start or the end of the number.
If it's the 8.5 beta version you're downloading from your account, then the serial number is on the first page of the beta thread.
I finally figured out the 2 versions and got the right serial #, but it would not let me copy and paste it, I had to type it all in. that's the first time I couldn't paste a serial #.. So I only installed the C8 .5 Beta. I purchased the C8 standard version but I think I will return it (today my 30 days is up) and get the Pro version instead as the beta serial # expires Dec 12 I believe, unless they will extend that serial #. If I were to keep the standard version would I be able to get an upgrade to C8.5 pro when it is finally released?
HI Kharma
Glad to hear you got it figured out ,. getting two program versions, as well as all the bundled content,. has confused a few people.
You can use CTRL+C to copy, and CTRL+ V to paste the serial number into the little window. :)
the mouse right click menu for copy / paste, is sometimes disabled where serial key entry is concerned, for security reasons.
Yes,. normally. if you own Carrara standard or pro, there would be an upgrade option available, when the next version is ready.
However,. I'm also assuming that Daz will have fixed the issues with the new store,. to allow those upgrade options,. or, create several different product pages, one for each version upgrade option,. as a work-around,.. ( which is a messy solution, ..but it's a solution. )
Upgrading from one Pro version, to the next Pro version,. is usually a wee bit cheaper than going from Standard to Pro.
Another reason I thought of switching to Pro was that it is 64 bit as opposed to 32. I did install the native content as the beta didn't come with any content as far as I could tell. I also installed something called render node but with further reading I don't think I needed it in my limited knowledge.
I wonder how long it will be before C8.5 is released?
Thanks for the help 3DAGE
64 bit is always going to be better.. if you have it . use it :)
The beta is normally supplied as a stand alone, (without the native content) partly to save the download time, and because it's not really needed to test how the main program works.
The Rendernode. is for network rendering,
if you were building a render farm you would install the rendernode on each system,
If not, then you don't need it, and you should un-install it. just to be tidy :)
I've no idea when the beta will be ready, but I think there's still some issues to be fixed, and the fact that we've not seen a new version for a while, makes me guess that we may get a new version to test, ...or we could just get another serial extension.
I've no idea on pricing. sorry.
No problem , glad to help :)