Many DIM installs failing...

So I bought another few DAZ products using my monthly vouchers and one of them fails to download via DIM. Also i have product updates made available via DIM and many of them are failing to download.

The products seem to download but at the end of the download process, probably when DIM is dueing some post-processing, something fails and DIM claims the download failed. Also, I saw DIM claim that one products was 115% and more downloaded - an impossibility.

Also some products succeeded in downloading today - examples including the Ferris Wheel PS and (Genesis) Football Uniform.

When will this be fixed?

DIM Download Failed!.png
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  • Recently I had a similar problem and it turned out that the HD with the DIM and the ContentLibrary folders was almost full. So DIM had problems to download and/or install the big packages. At least worth to check if there is enough free disk space before searching for other reasons.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited October 2016

    Recently I had a similar problem and it turned out that the HD with the DIM and the ContentLibrary folders was almost full. So DIM had problems to download and/or install the big packages. At least worth to check if there is enough free disk space before searching for other reasons.

    Well the location where the DIM is saving it's downloads to has 181 GB free and the USB I have the DAZ Content installed to still has 4.26GB free. The sum total of all the packages I'm downloading that failed is less than 250MB and far less than that installed since most of them are updates.

    My system disk, in case DIM is using it for temporary download space is over 32 GB free.

    Something else must be the problem. 

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • The only other idea I have is to check the DIM log file ... should be here C:\Users\YourAccount\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\log.txt

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited October 2016

    The only other idea I have is to check the DIM log file ... should be here C:\Users\YourAccount\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\log.txt

    Thanks. It is claimed it is a network problem but I think it is a DIM / Packaging problem:

    WARNING: Network Error while downloading to file "Z:/Users/<My User>/Documents/Daz 3D/InstallManager/Downloads/{7acd33b5-79cc-eb80-854b-5abf3a2a05db}.part": Could not complete download, file size does not match; 22882795 != 25044087. 


    I got a similar error entry for all the failed downloads.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    Daz has been having some problems of late so it can be briefly interrupted kicking you out. My internet has a habit of going out for a brief second and if I'm downloading it will fail so I have to try again.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    I've gotten reports from support that there are about 30 products that are having problems downloading. We are looking in to it, I'll fill you in when we get it resolved.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674

    When I logged into DIM, I had a number of updates for some files. (Lots of Moonshines stuff). When I try to do the install, they fail.

    Not sure what's up

    Screenshot 2016-10-04 14.32.38.png
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  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    Threads merged.

  • I can't login into Daz DIM at all..  Think it must be down, since I can't get to the main page either..

    But  I can go to the forum and the rest...

    Doing this for the last 4 hours

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    Sorry I have not been good about keeping you all up to date on the latest status. I've been hard at work along with some others here at Daz working with our datacenter team to get this all working correctly.


    The thirty or so products that were unable to download were due to our redundant file storage solution having a little bit of a fit about which one of the storage nodes was properly in charge of those files. This lead to a deeper investigation in to the storage engine and running some self-checks. Unfortuantely those self checks on such an active system with such a large set of data caused some massive slowdowns for sections of the site.


    I want to thank all of you for being understanding. While we are out of the woods for now, I know there is still some investigation to do as to the exact cause of this, so you may see a few minutes here or there while we are running some deeper checks and slowing the system down.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited October 2016

    I'm still getting the 'Download Failed!' for these products that I have - eg Legacy UVs for Genesis 3: Michael 4.

    I think the problem is one set of file servers still have products that haven't been updated while the other set of servers has products that have been updated and so DIM is getting a mismatch between those two file servers on file size.

    Something is wrong with the redundant storage if changes on the virtual storage isn't properly propagated to all the physical storage nodes.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • RSand55RSand55 Posts: 161

    Me too. Placed an order last evening and was unable to use DIM.

    This morning, I was able to connect DIM but my order did not show.



  • pdspds Posts: 593

    Having problems using DIM to download the Tara & Sachra HD for V7 update and the Professional DSLR Camera full product...

  • Last night it was a real struggle to place orders as the website kept timing out - but I finally managed it!  Unfortunately I couldn't log in to the download manager (although logging in to the web site was OK) and the general opinion was to wait a while.  Tonight I can log in OK but not one thing I purchased yesterday will download via DIM so whatever has been fixed..... hasn't!

  • Thought I would add my experience - The Kenji 7 product appers to install but is damaged.  Fujio HD for Kenji 7 is currupt in that it eternally states that there is an update (if I use the internal CMS) or "Download Failed" if I use DIM.  I picked a bad time to reinstall DS :)

  • asonviasonvi Posts: 3
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    I've gotten reports from support that there are about 30 products that are having problems downloading. We are looking in to it, I'll fill you in when we get it resolved.


  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    Hope, they'll fix it soon.

    I have updates pending, too. They fail after download 99%.

  • asonviasonvi Posts: 3
    AndyS said:

    Hope, they'll fix it soon.

    I have updates pending, too. They fail after download 99%.

    Same Problem !.
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    FWIW, I have been able to manually download and install a half dozen or do products where DIM has failed lately

  • Along with two files that refuse to update:

    Scarlet Textures
    Legacy UVs for Genesis 3: Michael 4

    I suddenly have 544 Legacy files that want to be installed in Product Downloads.  Do I really need to download and install all of these Legacy files?  What are the Legacy files compared to DS and PS files?

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438
    fastbike1 said:

    FWIW, I have been able to manually download and install a half dozen or do products where DIM has failed lately

    of cause, this you can do ever.
    The question is, whether the downloadfile on the product page is the updated or original version.
    In the specific case (West Park Dayroom Update) the file on the product page has the same file date and file size as what DIM downloaded directly after the original purchase. Now DIM tells me about an available update, but on the product page seems to be the "old" version.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Actually, there is another question. That is, is this just a problem with DIM and the manifest files. It is very rare (not seen in my experience) for so many products to have errors at one time, Several of the products having download issues are not "new" products, but have been out for some months. This also occurred coincident with site maintenance IIRC.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I get same problem about 5 products.

      then the log file show same erroer which have been mentioned above,,  ,, "Could not complete download, file size does not match; 147086939 != 147094958." then Do I really need to send report about each products, then daz will  up-date these  contents correctly?  or it happen not only about same contents, it may different for each ?

    As for me, At current, these 5 files can not download by DIM. (some contents bundled in Sunny 7, and DynamicClothingControll plug in for public build )






  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    And for user who try to manuall Download zip , then locate them DIM download directory, then install by DIM,

    if you keep DIM  "on line" mode,  DIM treat your manually downloaded and located zips, as old files , then those zips are  disappear from "install ready" section.

    then show as up-date in "ready to download", but you can not download them still. (download failed).

    you must need to run dim as "off line mode", then those package (manually downloaded, and located in your DIM  download directory)  show in "install ready",

    then you can install them.  I believe, next time I set online DIM, DIM must show these files as up-date. then take care not delete them.. 

    (you may better to memorize which contetns, you manually download , and not  try "up-date" about these products,,)   


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    fastbike1 said:

    Actually, there is another question. That is, is this just a problem with DIM and the manifest files. It is very rare (not seen in my experience) for so many products to have errors at one time, Several of the products having download issues are not "new" products, but have been out for some months. This also occurred coincident with site maintenance IIRC.

    Rawb mentioned somewhere about how it's more of a disagreement between what is there and what the servers think is there. 


    DAZ_Rawb said:

    Sorry I have not been good about keeping you all up to date on the latest status. I've been hard at work along with some others here at Daz working with our datacenter team to get this all working correctly.


    The thirty or so products that were unable to download were due to our redundant file storage solution having a little bit of a fit about which one of the storage nodes was properly in charge of those files. This lead to a deeper investigation in to the storage engine and running some self-checks. Unfortuantely those self checks on such an active system with such a large set of data caused some massive slowdowns for sections of the site.


    I want to thank all of you for being understanding. While we are out of the woods for now, I know there is still some investigation to do as to the exact cause of this, so you may see a few minutes here or there while we are running some deeper checks and slowing the system down.


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I and other paying customers still have Products Updates and Products that we have bought still unavailable to download via DIM. It has been solved for 2 or 3 of the earlier failed Product Updates for myself but that still leaves 1 Product and 11 Product Updates unable to download for me.

    Attached is my latest DIM status for those failed downloads.

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  • I'm experiencing the same problem of downloads failing. Checking the error log, I am getting the same Network error;

    WARNING: Network Error while downloading to file "#..../!DAZ3D Install Manager/Genesis/{50a66149-6969-d50b-4fa4-579bd40d2ac0}.part":
        Could not complete download, file size does not match; 206445461 != 206446974.
    WARNING: Network Error while downloading to file "#..../!DAZ3D Install Manager/Genesis/{50a66149-6969-d50b-4fa4-579bd40d2ac0}.part":
        Could not complete download, file size does not match; 206445461 != 206446974.

    (The "#...." is what I have put in myself, removing the exact drive location.)

    dim failed.png
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  • Hi,

    I got the same problem. The first product won't even start to download, the others run up to 99% and than change to "failed".



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  • amusingnicknameamusingnickname Posts: 21
    edited October 2016

    Just in case we're keeping a list of products failing, I can't get 'Fallen Goddess Poses For Lilith 7' through DIM either.. Fails to start. 

    Post edited by amusingnickname on
  • Niall TeasdaleNiall Teasdale Posts: 18
    edited October 2016

    Just in case we're keeping a list of products failing, I can't get 'Fallen Goddess Poses For Lilith 7' through DIM either.. Fails to start. 

    Interestingly, that one was​ causing me problems for several days, but has finally downloaded and installed.

    However, the new Stonemason product is failing to download this morning and, on asking for information on it, I find that the web site entry states that it has not been released yet. Meanwhile, the Edwardian outfit on sale in New Releases isn't even showing up in DIM to be downloaded at all.

    Putting my (out of date) sysadmin hat on, it sounds like the storage problems continue. Maybe something to do with synchronisation.

    I hope this one resolves quickly. I need my Stonemason fix!


    Oh, addendum: Product pictures on the New Releases page are randomly coming up as zero height graphics. Not missing since there's no broken image glyph, so it looks like the server is trying to retrieve the image and being returned a zero-size file (or something). This is really random. One image which showed up yesterday is missing today.

    Post edited by Niall Teasdale on
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