New Bryce User Questions

I just installed Bryce 7.1 pro.  A couple of questions:

1 - I also bought Instance Daisies and Instance Grass. How do I install these?

2- Is there a way of rendering single objects (e.g. trees) without any background?  i.e. just tree and alpha channel? I need some 2D trees for an After Effects project.

Sorry if these are obvious questions, but I did look! :-o




  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Instances Daisies and grass need to be manaully unzipped and then moved or imported to you object preset libarary.

    To make Trees without a background you would need to render once and save the render, then render a seconf time as a mask, process in a pint program.  However do be aware that if you use trees which have transmaps on the leaves, then the mask will not work  porperly, and you will just have squares instead of leaf shapes.


  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited October 2016

    If you are putting the two renders together in a photo editor or paint programe, you can always do a regular render and then select the compontents of the model and make them solid black (no reflection, no specular etc) ensuring that the leaves still retain their trans map, and make sure the background is solid white then do a second render. Save them with different names and then use the second one to create your Alpha Channel in your photo editor. This get around the fact that Bryce doesn't recognise Transparency when making a 'Mask' render. Hope this helps. :)

    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • Thank you for the info guys -- very helpful!


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