Universal tool off-figure

I am sure it is a simple issue, but I frequently and currently have issues with the universal tool rings and arrows sitting at some distance from the item I am trying to manipulate. For example, instead of rotating a figure on the spot, it rotates around some seemingly arbitrary point elswhere in the scene. I am using object coordinates. I am sure it must be something simple, but I don't know how to get back to movement around the core of the item I am trying to move, so advice, please?
mcjChangeOrientation is what you probably need.
Load a null and place it where you want your object's new origin to be, select the null, ctrl-select your object so that both the null and object end up selected (must be in that order) and start the script, 'set origin to Marker1' button. You don't have to use nulls.
With props this is usually because theya re modelled off-centre, but with figures it is more likely to be be because you - or a pose - moved the figure around the sceen by the hip instead of by the figure node. Rather than moving the origin it is better to adjust the pose so that the hip is used only for local movemnt (to keep the feet on the floor, or to adjust with respect to another figure that is being interacted with) and the figure node is sued for scene placement. If you find poses from the daz store that use the hip for scene placement rather than adjustment for the floor or a multi-figure pose please report them for fixing.
Thanks folks. Assuming it is the hippy thing, can I do anything about it now, or is it a case of grin and bear it? I have been working with this particular figure for weeks and Have no idea of the history by which she reached her current position!
Do you have some screenshots of the problem? I might help you adjust it, but its hard to understand what your problem is without seeing it.
Sorry, I missed that the problem was with a figure. But I still recommend mcj's script.
With luck you should be able to copy the settings on the hip bone to the figure node, then zero the hip. If you have already applied settings to the figure node as well you will probably be able to copy the individual values from the hip, then click the value on the figure, type + after the current value, and paste in the value from the hip. This works unless the figure node has been rotated, in which case the translations on the hip will not mean the same as those on the figure. Of course in most cases you could simply zero the hip and manually move the figure to where you wanted it.
@Richard Haseltine: 'With luck you should be able to copy the settings on the hip bone to the figure node, then zero the hip.'
What is zeroing the hip please? Is it taking everything back to the 0 co-ordinates?
Thanks. But that sends it back to a completely differenet place in the scene, surely?
No, those settings are now on the figure node rather than the hip node.