Poser 11

Maybe not the best place to ask

But Poser 11 is on sale currently...   

is that the latest version or is that 2014 ?

trying to figure out the order of the versions... and googled myself silly here


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Poser 11 is the latest, they've stopped using a different name for the Pro version, so Poser 11 Pro is what would have been called Poser Pro 2016 using trhe old nomenclature.

  • Thanks :)

    Debating to get it or not... never worked with it yet,  but since Daz downloads also  PS files..

    Does Poser have a Library too or is it all folder and search  based?


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited September 2016

    Poser has a library (you can add as many different runtimes as you need) if is that, what you mean. You can also search for items and add favorites, as well.

    Please watch the webinar (scroll to about 31' 40" to see section about Library).

    Poser Webinar: Poser 11 New Features Overview Webinar



    Post edited by Artini on
  • Thanks...   Bought it also ...   saw that it comes with an extra bundle of goodies.. including a 7 hour training..


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