Render Nodes not working?

So finally got my two computers to see each other on the network.
I have Carrara on the fastest machine, and a Render node on the other.
I've set Carrara up to use Enable Network Rendering, etc, saved my scene, then loaded it in the Batch queue.
Now my question: Should I see anything at all happening in the render node during the rendering of the scene?
Post edited by inspired_art_86a3f09735 on
In short, no.
when you start the render you will see the node calculate the lighting.
but after that the only way to see is to open task manager en check if the cpu is working at 100%.
there may be other ways but i don't know them ^^
hope this helped.
The render node won't be giving you any real feedback during the process, at least not on that screen. You can hide or minimize the window.
In the render window should see grey squares labeled [N] for each network thread/processor in addition to the multi-colored tiles of the primary renderer.
Ok, understood.
Now in the Render Nodes Manager within Carrara there is nothing listed. Should there be?
don´t know if your problem has been resolved.
but yes you should see the render computer name in the list.
if this is not the case please provide some information regarding wifi/kable.
also if you open preference in carrara (normal and node) and then render room you should see 4 ports.
my setup is:
port1: 5020
port2: 5040
port3: 5060
port4: 5080
and under "sub net" i checked "Manual"
and entered my ip.
hope this helps,
If i'm saying anything incorrect please correct it ^^
I should add that the Calculating Light progress bar mentioned by a previous poster is only valid if you're using Skylight, Indirect Light and Caustics (or all three together).
I don't know if this is still true in C8.x, but in C7 you need to make sure that the nodes are launched before you start Carrara on the host machine. If you've set up your scene, saved and added it to the queue and then launched the nodes on the client machines, then quit Carrara and restart it. If your network is set up correctly, Carrara should then see the nodes.
In carrara 8 you can start a render and then add nodes later on.
but just to make sure everything is working, i usually start the nodes and then the host.