search function working badly


maybe my biggest frustration with DAZ is the search function, which most of the time seems to work badly. when i enter a keyword in the searchbox of the content library, sometimes i don't get anything at all, sometimes i get very partial results while i KNOW there is more to be found. is there any way to fix this? or are there any other good ways, extra apps, or whatever, for managing content in 4.9?



  • Next to the text box there is an icon - stacked cylinders by default, indicating a database search; try clicking that and selecting the option to search files. Note that the Content Library search is more limited than the Smart Content search.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    If it's not a silly question just how limited IS the Content Library search?  I'm not the greatest fan of the smart content search already and had some hopes the content library search had less linits as it was searching, surely, file names?

  • The Content Library search doesn't use tags, nor does it suport wild-cards or other scope modifiers that are available in the Smart Content search.

  • thanks

    would be good if the content library search was improved. like e.g. also indexing folder names instead of just file names


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    The database entries are usually tagged with folder names as well as file names.

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