Moving stuff around...

MidyinMidyin Posts: 221

Ok, so heres a basic rundown. I want to simplify my DAZ experience buy properly categorizing all my content from the Content Library tab(on the right side of the screen) to the Smart Content tab(on the left side of the screen).. because I'll install things that i never use because they end up being so strangely obscure to get to, or I just flat out never find them at all...

One example would be The "Panel Dress - G3F". To get to this dress(that I literally just discovered in my content today) I have to click the Content Library Tab, then go to "DAZ Studio formats/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 3 Female/Clothing/Cybrea/Panel Dress"... Again, Because of the pure obscurity of this items location I had no clue I even owned this until just about 20 minutes ago. IDEALLY I would be able to put this Item over in the Smart Content tab under "wardrobe/dress" and then have it set up so if I select the dress I can go to Smart Content tab then click "materials".

Another Example is I purchased an expressions pack called something like "IntenceG3F". the facial expressions are Poses you double click to apply(rather than being the typical sliders that you would find under the Paramiters tab then going to "Actor/Pose Controls/Head/Expression")... well, is there a way that i could move those expressions from the Content Library tab at "DAZ Studio formats/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 3 Female/poses/Tempesta3d/Intence G3F" to somplace simpler like lets say the Smart Content tab under "Poses/Expressions/fullface"?...


So in short, my question is "If i find something that's in an oscure plane under the Content Library tab, can I move it to where i want it to be(under the Smart Content tab) within DAZ."

Post edited by Midyin on


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Select the item (either a single icon or multiple icons in the folder), right-click and choose Categorize.  You can either categorize it in an existing category or you can create your own categories (I create mine outside of Default to keep them separate).  You can then find the item in Content Library > Categories or in Smart Content with the Filter By Context box unchecked.  If you want the item to be Smart (only show up when it works with the item selected in the scene) there are a few more steps, but if you just care about the categories then that part is optional.

  • MidyinMidyin Posts: 221

    Select the item (either a single icon or multiple icons in the folder), right-click and choose Categorize.  You can either categorize it in an existing category or you can create your own categories (I create mine outside of Default to keep them separate).  You can then find the item in Content Library > Categories or in Smart Content with the Filter By Context box unchecked.  If you want the item to be Smart (only show up when it works with the item selected in the scene) there are a few more steps, but if you just care about the categories then that part is optional.

    That doesnt seem to be doing anything.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    At what step is it not working?

  • MidyinMidyin Posts: 221
    edited September 2016

    At what step is it not working?

    Sorry about the long pause. RL drug my away.. lol

    Anyway, I made this step by step illustration to show you see what I did. hopefully it helps...

    Image removed

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Please post screenshots with clothes on the figure, or with the preview mode set to Smooth Shaded.

  • MidyinMidyin Posts: 221
    edited September 2016

    Please post screenshots with clothes on the figure, or with the preview mode set to Smooth Shaded.

    Are you kidding me? that wasn't porn...

    But hey, thanks for wasting a couple hours of my life. I guess I'll have to redo the guide with a model that has clothing on so FixmyPCMike can see what I'm talking about.... Thanks for the help Rich..>_>





    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Please read - pasting boxes over the image is not acceptable as a solution.

    Have you tested to see if the categorised items are there if you uncheck Filter By Selection in Smart Content?

  • MidyinMidyin Posts: 221

    Please read - pasting boxes over the image is not acceptable as a solution.

    Have you tested to see if the categorised items are there if you uncheck Filter By Selection in Smart Content?

    Whatever.. God forbid I be able to show people what's wrong and get some help here...

    No, no, hey, you're right man. That's the perk of being a MOD, getting to always be right.. There was nudity under those boxes. I mean, it was just the default nudity that everyone sees when they load in Gen3, but hay "Without order there is chaos" right?...


    The other members and I will just have just have to remember that Black Box Rule(wherein we can have our images taken down even if the nudity is covered.) and be sure not to post any images here. I mean these characters are naked under their clothing right? lol


    It's cool. I'll just try to get help with this someplace else. there are other website that sell DAZ content and have forums to ask questions on.. 

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