Content Library: My DAZ 3D Library v. Products

I have noticed that some content in the Products listing (alphabetical by product name) sometimes does not have all the content that is provided for the same product when you view it via the categroy listings under My DAZ 3D Library.  Shouldn't they be the same? 


  • I'm not sure what you mean - could you post a screen shot of an example?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Do you mean there are files for the product in Content Library > Daz Studio Formats which don't appear in Content Library > Products?

  • Do you mean there are files for the product in Content Library > Daz Studio Formats which don't appear in Content Library > Products?

    Yes that is correct.

  • If I can't find something relatively quickly with Smart Content I will then look in the Content Library > Products > (for example the "I" folder to find IDG Portrait Studio 2), which in this example does not show the Studio Prop or any of the premade setups.

    The product readme file suggests looking in DAZ Studio Folders: Props:  

    So I look in DAZ Studio Formats > My DAZ 3D Library > Props > IDG Portrait Studio 2, and there I see many more icons to choose from.  I thought we can use either method to find our content.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    How were they installed?  If an item doesn't come with metadata, DIM will create a Products entry with all the files, but I'm not sure how the Products entry gets generated if the product comes with metadata -- it may be that the metadata has errors.  I don't have this product to check.  What's the exact version of DS you're using (e.g. Public Beta)?

  • I installed the content via DIM, and am running DS Pro 64bit, Win10.

    I guess I am wondering if I found a problem with just this one piece of content or is this a general problem and I should be prepared to look in Smart Content, and in Content Library > Products and now in Content Lbrary > DAZ Studio Formats as well?


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