Possibility of Beauty Fingers and Toes + Toes Control for Genesis for GEN3 Male?

Hello Daz3D community! Been lurking now and then, slowly upgrading my computer to be able to handle Daz Studio 4.9 and Genesis 3. ALMOST GETTING THERE (yay!). But I have a question, and I'll get straight to the point: Is there ever a possibility of Beauty Fingers and Toes and Toes Control for Genesis for Genesis 3 Male? I ask because, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but I've noticed there's a MASSIVE bias and catering to the Victoria 4, Genesis Female, Genesis 2 Female, and Genesis 3 Female (they each have nearly triple the amount of products their male counterparts do!). Usually, when these fancy morphs come out, they're for the female models only. Which is a bummer (for me, maybe some). I know zev0 said he likely wont be working on anything for Toes Control for Genesis 3 as it sold poorly. Which sucks. A lot. I don't know how to contact chungdan about possibly making a Beauty Fingers and Toes for the male. But surely, there are other people around that could? If I could, I totally would, but I know nothing of this.

I'm mainly just looking for the HD for the hands and feet, while also having more control with the toes (length in particular) for Genesis 3 Male. I hope this isn't the wrong place to ask, by the way. Forgive me if it is!


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