Can't get female genitalia textures to work

nickalamannickalaman Posts: 196
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

They geograft ok, but no matter what textute i use from bree to V4 textures the gentalia seams to be off. It's like it has no UV map. The last test i did was to save a textured charector in DS4.5 and then load the charector in cararra, same difference.

350 x 207 - 4K


  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited December 1969

    When I tested the M5 genitals in Carrara, they would only display textures correctly when they weren't Fit To Genesis. Looks like geo-grafting is still broken in Carrara.

  • edited December 1969

    I got that exact same problem.. try buying her a few drinks!

  • LinkRSLinkRS Posts: 168
    edited December 1969

    Hi Everyone,

    Has someone figured out how to fix this? I just got Carrara 8.5 Pro, and am having the same problem. I read on other places that it might be a UV issue, and I saved a UV preset using Daz Studio, but that didn't help. Any ideas? Thanks!

    Rich S.

  • kunterbuntkunterbunt Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Have the same problem with carrara pro release version.

  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited December 1969
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited September 2013

    We need to keep this thread visible and bumped up til they address it. One of the big selling points I remember for the V5 and M5 pro bundles that DAZ touted back when they came out was how you could only get the geo-grafted genitals that way. Well, if they are going to make the v5/m5 pro bundles a selling point for Carrara 8.5, they need to make sure it all works with Carrara 8.5.

    I'm not mad at Daz or scolding them, but I haven't seen any official response, so we need to make sure they are aware of this problem.

    Post edited by Jonstark on
  • edited December 1969

    Strange... If I import a default genesis model with the male gens grafted on (no textures) from DS and attempt to 3d paint, I can paint on the torso texture but the gens produce a color disaster. If I drag the gens out of the smart content browser in Carrara, I can paint it just fine. Importing the ungrafted gens from DS produces the same painting disaster. I have not figured out how to graft in Carrara yet so I cant test that.

  • blindmanblindman Posts: 22
    edited December 1969

    Come on DAZ

    I have bought hundreds of UK pounds of Daz products including Carrara 8 pro and now Pro 8.5 I took part in the development by reporting bugs. this problem was known about while 8.5 was in beta

    Product liability
    Selling a product with known faults
    If you sold cars you would be facing litigation

    We dont want, that all we want is a product that works

    Now do your bit and fix this problem now.

  • Reality1Reality1 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    This is ridiculous.

    The Michael 5 Pro bundle and the Genesis compatibility is the only reason I upgraded...

    ...continued to purchase several Michael 5 characters, not realizing that the genitals were unusable!

    Now I have a client coming tomorrow to look at character development proofs for a company that makes genital ornamentation-gear.

    No gens!


    Criminal more like.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,755
    edited December 1969

    I assume it's the male genitals you are trying to use on Michael 5, despite the thread title? Some more information on how they are failing would be useful - are you having a texture mis-match? If so note that the male genitals, unlike the female, use their own maps so you will need to be using a texture set that includes those, and to be applying the correct materials to both base figure and genitals.

  • ncampncamp Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    I assume it's the male genitals you are trying to use on Michael 5, despite the thread title? Some more information on how they are failing would be useful - are you having a texture mis-match? If so note that the male genitals, unlike the female, use their own maps so you will need to be using a texture set that includes those, and to be applying the correct materials to both base figure and genitals.


    There is a problem in Carrara with the male genitals. If you load the figure by itself and apply a texture map, it looks fine. When it is conformed to the figure, there are white swirls and other messed up mapping. In Carrara, somehow the UV map shifts when the figure is geografted into place.

    Another issue is (how do I put this delicately?): In studio, if you load the figures, the bend morphs are in place so that it hangs down. When you open it in Carrara, the bend morphs are not preloaded and the figure sorta sticks straight out.

    One test I did was to fit and apply the figure and textures to M5 in studio. It looks like it is supposed to in studio.
    Save the file.
    Open it in Carrara.
    The textures for the figure have the same white swirls and blotches as trying to load the files in Carrara.

    To sum up, the textures load fine on the figure when it is not attached to M5, but they mess up when attached.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,755
    edited December 1969

    Sorry, I hadn't noticed this was a Carrara thread - I thought GeoGrafting was not yet fully supported in Carrara in general?

  • Reality1Reality1 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    And so why would DAZ bundle unsupported content as a selling point for Carrara Pro?

    To get the customer's money and waste their time?

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Reality1 said:
    And so why would DAZ bundle unsupported content as a selling point for Carrara Pro?

    To get the customer's money and waste their time?

    The geografted genitals have never been intentionally made as a selling point, even for Daz users, which is why they're only available in the Pro bundles; the idea being that only professionals would have a need for them. While I appreciate it's frustrating to own content which doesn't work as intended, the other items in the bundle are not restricted in this way and that is the intended the selling point.

    Daz, to my knowledge, have never advertised the genitals on any bundle aside from listing it in the contents. If you bought the pro bundle purely to use them in Carrara and are unhappy, Daz do offer a refund policy so you could swap it for a lower-end bundle which is more suited to your needs.

  • JerifeJerife Posts: 272
    edited December 1969

    Bumping this thread that started in 2012. Not a solution yet? No workaround found? Can't believe it :sick:

  • arcadyarcady Posts: 340
    edited December 1969

    Has anyone found any gimmicks or tricks to get past this?

    Rezzing it as a prop? As a separate figure and just moving it into place, or anything - that delivered workable results?

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 1969

    I'm wondering what would happen if I built my Genesis in Studio 4 with the genitals and than imported into Carrara, that's the only thing I can think of that might work, but I don't have any time to test that as a solution at the moment. Besides which I'm terrible at doing anything in Studio, so I might not get it right anyway...

  • ncampncamp Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    Jonstark said:
    I'm wondering what would happen if I built my Genesis in Studio 4 with the genitals and than imported into Carrara, that's the only thing I can think of that might work, but I don't have any time to test that as a solution at the moment. Besides which I'm terrible at doing anything in Studio, so I might not get it right anyway...

    I tried that once. The textures shifted on import and would not work. ( That may have been G2M, instead of G2F )


  • JerifeJerife Posts: 272
    edited December 1969

    Jonstark said:
    I'm wondering what would happen if I built my Genesis in Studio 4 with the genitals and than imported into Carrara,

    Nope. Does not work no way you import it from DS.

    I'm trying a little workaround and is promising...

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,093
    edited December 1969

    Not seen this thread before as not my interest
    But can confirm an animated FBX of Any genesis or genesis2 figure works fine uv mapped correcrly from iClone 3Dxchange 5 pipeline with iclone spring animation on geografted appendage even!
    So a duf import issue obviously rather than a geometry one
    An obj import too would work not fbx straight from studio though.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,093
    edited December 1969

    Oh yeah did Raw arts cat world tails do not UV map correctly

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Not seen this thread before as not my interest
    But can confirm an animated FBX of Any genesis or genesis2 figure works fine uv mapped correcrly from iClone 3Dxchange 5 pipeline with iclone spring animation on geografted appendage even!
    So a duf import issue obviously rather than a geometry one
    An obj import too would work not fbx straight from studio though.

    Didn't interest me either, except for adding this one liner based on the thread subject (except I don't think "textures" was in the original title):

    Can’t get female genitalia to work

    The complaint of married men everywhere! ;-)

  • JerifeJerife Posts: 272
    edited August 2014

    I've been away from 3D for a long time Wendy, I don't know what "iClone 3Dxchange 5 pipeline" is and have only a clue of what "an animated FBX" means. :roll:

    I understand many are not interested in solving this issue Evilproducer, but I know others are so here is my trick

    I've tried this workaround with Genesis Female Genitalia, from now on GFG. As my test has been done with a V4 texture the images shown are not perfect as I do not find a way to change the UVMap set from different V versions as you can do in DS. Does anybody know how to?

    I believe though using Bree's genital texture or any other V5 this trick will work seamlessly and I will test asap:

    In a new file and from Content you load Genesis and 2 GFG;

    Rename them (FigureFit and Textured for instance).

    Make GFG Figure Fit invisible, uncheck cast shadows and receive shadows. Fit it to Genesis
    Apply the skin torso shader of your character to the second GFG or to the hip if you have the UV Map with two texture areas. Receive shadows unchecked. Fit it to GFG Figure Fit.

    Group them if you want to save them in My Presets -Objects in order to use them with other figures.

    If you have morphs you control them from the invisible GFG. When changing poses sometimes you will have to unfit and fit the textured one.

    The result is not perfect but a workaround till C9 fixes it and GeoGrafting be fully supported in Carrara

    I have a link to a folder which shows uncensored images and will serve to document my tests but do not dare to put it here as I don't know how to make this post Mature Only. PM me if wanted but I think text explains enough.

    Post edited by Jerife on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 1969

    That's both simple and brilliant Jerife, sounds like a mostly workable workaround. I'll have to give it a try. Thank you!

  • arcadyarcady Posts: 340
    edited August 2014

    This is almost but not quite working for me, as you can see with my cropped image.

    It doesn't quite meet up at the top.

    Tried again with a base unmorphed Genesis 2 and got perfect results.

    Now I'm going to try setting it all up in DS, and then importing it and seeing what shows up on the screen...

    559 x 420 - 71K
    Post edited by arcady on
  • arcadyarcady Posts: 340
    edited August 2014

    Ok, if I try to import a scene with a G2F-gen prop that was parented to another G2F-gen prop inside of Daz - Carrara crashes. It cannot handle two of them in the same scene on import. At least when they're attached. BUT I can import one that is attached, then add a new one in carrara - use the new one to fit and the one that was on my figure for the texture - and that avoided the problem in my graphic above WHEN I morophed in Aiko from inside of Carrara.

    Now testing with an already morphed Aiko.

    The issue I was seeing above is solved by unfitting and then refitting the "hidden fit" G2F-genitals after every time you pose the figure.
    I've now got it rendering an Aiko 6 on my screen with a properly geografted 'prop'...

    If I ever need it. Not planning on going back into nudes - but when I find a wall, I'm the kind of person who feels a sudden need to start climbing... :)

    Post edited by arcady on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 1969

    arcady said:
    Ok, if I try to import a scene with a G2F-gen prop that was parented to another G2F-gen prop inside of Daz - Carrara crashes. It cannot handle two of them in the same scene on import. At least when they're attached. BUT I can import one that is attached, then add a new one in carrara - use the new one to fit and the one that was on my figure for the texture - and that avoided the problem in my graphic above WHEN I morophed in Aiko from inside of Carrara.

    Now testing with an already morphed Aiko.

    The issue I was seeing above is solved by unfitting and then refitting the "hidden fit" G2F-genitals after every time you pose the figure.
    I've now got it rendering an Aiko 6 on my screen with a properly geografted 'prop'...

    If I ever need it. Not planning on going back into nudes - but when I find a wall, I'm the kind of person who feels a sudden need to start climbing... :)

    Excellent, sounds like a viable workaround, thank you very much for testing this and finding a solution arcady. Gonna have to bookmark this thread, in case I need it in the future.

  • arcadyarcady Posts: 340
    edited December 1969

    On further testing nope...

    As soon as you add any atmosphere or sky effects - from either the scene tab or the render room... it goes nuts again.

  • arcadyarcady Posts: 340
    edited August 2014

    I got it to import into carrara with the geograft in place by exporting from Daz as an OBJ file...

    But I lost my textures as a result, so I'll have to see if I can figure out texturing it...

    NOT a solution for animation obviously... but might be for still-images.

    I don't see myself ever needing such a prop for animation - given that I'm hoping to not go down the temple-vicky route this time in 3D... :)

    But I also grabbed up another 'after market' geograft prop from a site who's name begins with render but does not end in osity... ;)
    - To find out if this whole issue is due to the prop or the figure. Won't know until I can test that one. Unfortunately that one is too visual for any normal use... So its $13 just to test a bug somebody else should have fixed a long time ago...

    Post edited by arcady on
  • arcadyarcady Posts: 340
    edited August 2014

    The OBJ import method is also a little weird. Once I apply the hip shader to that region, it is positionally off by about a 1/3 too high up - leaving the intimate region on the front of the body.

    Can I just adjust a texture's position easily, or do I need to get complex in UV maps? It seems like something that should be easy to do - to move the position of a texture map.

    EDIT: It looks like I will need to use custom mapping from the UV Editing system, at least that's what pg. 534 of the Carrara manual is hinting me at (I'm not at home right now so I don't have Carrara here and if I did... this is the LAST thing I could be working to fix atm... :) ).

    One way or another, I will turn out a render that looks natural... so I can move on... O.o

    Post edited by arcady on
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