Obj files created on one computer will not load on another

I have designed a pair of shorts using hexagon for the genesis character - on one PC which is a brand new computer Intel I7/32GbRam/Windows7 64bit Pro. The shorts were exported as wavefront OBJ from Hexagon and they import to the Genesis character perfectly ok in Daz Studio on that same PC.
However when I drag the OBJ directory onto the other PC which is Intel Core2 Auaq / 8Gb Ram / WindowsXP Pro SP3 it will not let me import the exact same pair of shorts onto the Genesis character at all. The program lets me select the OBJ and goes through the motions of importing with all the scroll bars but they never appear.
I have zoomed out of the picture area just in case they have imported in the air as sometimes happens but NO they are absolutely nowhere to be found on the screen.
Please could anyone shed some light on why computer 2 will not import the shorts as my genesis character is looking decidedly chilly without them!
Thank you
Does the OBJ appear in the Scene tab?
If so, it is a scale problem, and you should click on the Camera Frame icon in the viewport with the item selected.
OBJ is the industry standard and should open correctly on any machine. Is it the same version of DAZ Studio you are using on both machines?
Do they show up listed in the Scene pane?
There's a very good chance, that instead of importing very large and in the air, they are microscopic and between the character's feet.
No - there is nothing between the characters legs. It just does not show at all.
The DS on one machine is the 64 bit the other machine is the 32 bit - it's the 32 bit version which is not working.
Is it listed in the Scene pane?
No, it is as I said above. A OBJ file created as an export in Hexagon which is then imported into Daz Studio in the File Import option.
You then right click on scene and asset the object to the model.
Not the viewport, which is what you are meaning by scene, but the Scene pane which lists the things that you have loaded - Windows>Panes(Tabs)>Scene.
Ahh I see - yes it in the scene tab.... I tried to asset it to genesis but the program crashed.
Problem solved - for some reason DS on the second computer was bringing it in at 42000% of the original - sorry folks I did not spot that.
Must have run out of memory!