Issues with mouse focus

Hi all

I am starting up with DAZ Studio, and I would very much like to use it for a project I am doing, as it seem to have all the things I need!

However I run a lot into mouse focus issues - a lot of controls do not respond, the focus gets lost seemingly randomly, I can not get any of the slide controls to work (for instance in the posing pane, but others too), some controls are uneditable like the rendering settings for instance.

There are ways to alleviate these issues to a point (switching between apps, using the task manager to 'bring to front', making all panes undockable). However these slow down the process of creating quite significantly - at the limit of acceptable reliability.

I run Windows 7 with a Intel Xeon CPU 2.67GHz, 12 GB of RAM with a NVidia GeForce GTS 250 and two monitors

Has anyone run into similar problem, and if yes, would anyone have some pointers to fix these issues?

Thank you so very much!



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Go to Edit > Preferences > Interface and try the different settings for Display Optimization.

  • Thanks for the suggestion!

    Unfortunately neither of the settings (None/Better/Best) did not seem to have any effect.

  • gederixgederix Posts: 390

    Your mouse perspective/camera view is dependent on whatever object in the scene you select and then click 'frame selected object" in top right of viewport (looks like a plus sign in a square). You view will now rotate or pan etc relative to that.

    read this:

    As to the rest, poses only work of you have a posable object selected, and no idea why your render settings would be uneditable. Do you have a camera in the scene?

  • Thanks for looking into this! :-)

    Yes I do have a camera in the scene.

    The issue seems to be general with DS on my main PC - mouse click/focus messages do not seem to be processed properly (for instance, none of the sliders/scroll bars work).

    At this stage, creating poses and navigating in the Viewport works most of the time. I can make modification to parameters only from the Parameters pane thanks to right click>set value

    I installed DS on my laptop (Win7 as well) and it works perfectly fine (DS is a beautiful piece of software indeed!). So this has to do with some kind of hardware/setup issue on my main machine, and I am just trying to fish for directions/things to try to get that fixed. Disabling the second screen did not work. Changing mouse settings at the OS level did not work.

    Any suggestions welcome!

    Thank you very much for your help

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    I do not have a solution, but I'm posting because mouse issues happen to me in DS frequently.

    For example, if I'm using a slider to move or rotate a figure, the mouse will not only lose focus on the slider but it will jump to a random object in the scene tab.

    Also, sometimes it will take DS a few seconds to activate a slider when I put the mouse over it. It's like it is disabled and after a few seconds it becomes enabled.

    The options in Display Optimization do not help me either.

  • This sounds quite similar to the issues I am having on my PC!

    What is your hardware and OS? (maybe we can find commonalities that could help us get to the bottom of this!)

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    edited September 2016

    It's an older system, but can't upgrade at this time:

    Dell Studio XPS 8100 PC
    Windows 10 Home Anniversary Edition
    Intel Core i7 CPU (860 @ 2.80GHz, 4 Core, 8 Logical Processors)
    16 GB RAM
    AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series video card with 1 GB RAM
    Logitech M325 Wireless Mouse

    I render using 3Delight because iRay just kills my system.

    Update: I bought a new Logitech M325 Wireless Mouse and so far I have not experienced any issues!

    Post edited by dawnblade on
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