Troll IK vs Troll JCM?

in The Commons
Can someone please give me the skinny on the difference between the two and in what situations would i want to use one over the other?
Thanks in advance!
I'd like to know it too :-(
Doing a Google search asking this question led me to this old thread that no one answered, so I'm reviving it.
I want to know because I'm going to try to use the Legacy Set Converter on it and want to use the best option.
I would probably use the JCM version. That would have more complete flexing natural shaping when the figure is posed and IK is, primarily, a a Poser thing that sets things like feet to the ground and is used for animations and initial pose set up.
Thanks. It would be so nice if product pages or even a thumbnail helped users understand the difference so they know what to use for what needs.
The Legacy Set Converter is for converting props or environments from Poser formats to DS ,but it doesn't work on clothes or figures.
It's not foolproof, but I've had success with animals, trolls, clothes, hair. ..
See ... successfully converted, with morphs and dial-in poses, the clothes 'fit-to' as expected. I applied iray uber base, although the 3DL looks good, too. Will be great for mid-ground and background character diversity. Having all of my trolls in one directory saves time later.