Think I'm being stupid but ................

Hi Everyone,
I'm a brand new user, I have installed the Ethnicity pack which is supposed to include asian, native american and african ethnicity but now cannot find anything to access this from within the program. I must be missing something! Can anyone tell me how to use these ethnic options?
Many thanks for any help
Hi stu4rt.m4rtin, if you have installed correctly apricaitons and this product, you can use these morph controller
as same as Badic female head, or Basic male head.
so that, if you can use the Basic head morph controller without problem, and know how to use it,,
you may find them. (if you can not use head morphs,, you need to check again ,install ds and basic contents)
and this product is compsed by head shape morphs. not have full body change morphs.
the product have not any character preset files.
these head morph controller, may show up in shapes tab and parameter tab.
in your ds 4.5 if you can not find these tabs, need to add tabs to the pane where you want.
go to top menu>windows>pane(tab) then open, parameter, or shape tabs
about both case, Actor > Head>female , male >real world category, you can find these controller.