Room Creator 2 and expansion question

I just bought The Room creator 2 and all the expansions.

Now only the main program and Exteriors expansion is showing in the Daz library,  and the rest is under Poser, when i start file hunting.

Is there a way to have it show up in the Smart Library under The Room Creator 2 section ?

It's a pain in the butt to find those files otherwise.

Thank you


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    right click once you find and send to smart content...

  • I did that,  but i need to uncheck Filter by Content,  and i's in the Lost and Found.

    How can I associate it with the Room Creator 2 ?


  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    All 3 packs come in both DAZ Studio and Poser formats. It's possible you haven't downloaded the correct files for one of them because they should all show up in DS.

    Let me know if you get it fixed.


  • I installed through Daz DIM,   and only 2 are showing once I place a room.

    These 2 are showing  once I create a room,

    Room Creator Version 2 
    Room Creator Exteriors

    These 3 are not showing.  I only found them under Lost and found. and I didn't see your name in the properties of those files

    Room Creator - Slums    
    Room Creator - Industrial    

  • here are some images..

    I want those Lost ones under the Room section,  so I don't need to search and remember what it's all called

    1759 x 866 - 1M
    353 x 361 - 41K
    370 x 351 - 37K
  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    Ah, now I understand. These 3 packs aren't mine. They were done by RawArt as add-on texture packs for Room Creator, and they're quite old now, so at the time, there probably wasn't any such thing as smart Content.

    To be honest, I'm not even sure what files are in them, but I *think* they're all Material Presets, so they may not show up in the same category.

    By the way, did you find the Room Creator tutorials? I think they install in the Readmes folder. They have a lot of useful information.

  • aah ok. 

    Since you mentioned 3 packs from yours...  which one am I missing?  don't think i saw any other one

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    If you grab it quick, it's 40% off.

  • got it :)  thanks

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    Cool. And thanks for your support!

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    The room creator packs have been one of the most useful pieces I've added to my library :)

    No interior set has been without 4 walls and it's great for making quick 6-sided houses for street views that can easily be tailored so no 2 houses look the same.

    I think I'm still missing the stairs and balconies add-on, but I'll get them soon enough :)

  • Got the whole package... so  all set..   backing everything up atm... my new beast is coming today.

    So hopefully  my Irays and 3deligts are going a lot faster... Can't wait to finally use everything i bought over the months for once lol.


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