Plz help, Objects not rotating about their center

Hi everyone, after a long time I tried my hands on 3d yesterday. Today I dont know what happend to my ds4 that no figure, whenever i tried to rotate it after giving some initial pose is rotating about their own center. When i activate the universal tool also it appears far away from the figure's bounding box. I tried to open some other scene file but it still works the same way. Everything was working fine with that same file in the morning, i dont know if somehow i tweaked some setting unintentionally or whatever but this thing still persists even after doing a reinstallation of the studio4. The version i am using is 64 bit. Can somebody please help ??
Sounds like the Pivot point has ether being moved or the figure has been parented to something else.
What is the figure and what is in the scene? Amswer these before you try below.
Doing this from memory as my main computer went poof.
There is a way to move the pivot point. In Daz Studio on the top menu bar got to Tools > Joint Editor. When the Joint Editor is engaged the Translation Tool changes to two smaller translation gizmos, one red and one green. Using the Orthographic cameras (Top, Right, Left etc) move the two gizmos to the centre of your figure.
thank you very much Szark for your reply. Any figure i use even in in new scenes seems to have this problem ( like V4, A4), even props.....I'll try doing what you suggested i hope it solves my problem. But then the other question is do i have to do this on every figure i put into my scene ?? It was never this way earlier, there must have to be some setting somewhere which i think i tweaked unintentionally....
Ok then it is probably a setting in the Tool Settings Pane I think. But without my Desktop working I can go a look.
I will shout for another to come a advise. So don't do anything yet. Or you could play about in the Tool Settings Pane, just remember change one and test, doesn't work put it back to the previous setting and try another.
Thankyou once again for your quick reply :)
My pleasure. I have just posted in our CV forum section asking for someone to pop over to help.
@bellliee: Can you post a snap of your Viewport with a figure Selected? That will help me help you.
Thanku Szark once again and Jaderail, here are the snapshots...
In the second pic, the universal tool appears way above the bounding box and in the third pic when i tried to give the figure z-rotation it actually rotates about the point where the universal tool appears to be not about the center of the figure as it happens normally.
Sorry I missed the info stating this happens after Posing, my bad.
Ok I know Jad knows how to fix this. The command alludes me at this point.
Alt+Shfit+J to bring up the joint editor on the advanced edition (maybe?)
I just found I have DS4.5 Standard Edition on my Mac so no help there.
At one tine there was a script that worked in DS3 called "move origin" and it's in my short list of commonly used tools, but I don't recall where I found it or if it works for DS4. Anyway I have to DL the 4.5 more advanced version and see if the joint editor can re-center the poses like the move origin script does.
StratDragon No need to move the Pivot as there is a way to do this via the Tool Settings Pane, trust me. I just can't remember it and with not able to look in Daz Studio myself I cannot say exacty which commnad it is.
EDITED too add.
It just shows what sort of day I am having I didn't even notice it was V4 you are using. In that case just select the Hip and move, rotate etc with the Hip.
Szark yes thats what i did earlier lol, but the problem i am facing is with every figure not just with V4 even with props :(. @StratDragon i did what you said (and what Szark said earlier) but that doesnt fix the problem :(
I must apologise as I think I am getting my wires crossed with all this.
While I try to find out what can be done if it can be done the most easiest way to get this done now is to "Create > New Null", then move the null to the hip, then in the Scene Pane Drag and Drop V4 to the Null, this is called Parenting. Then use the Null to move and rotate.
Click on the hip & note the 'y' translation; set it to zero. Click on main figure (V4 etc.) enter 'y'' translation from hip. That will let you rotate the figure properly. Most poses use the hip when doing translations which doesn't affect the figure's center.
@BWSman Thankyou but that will not let me rotate the props, i want to rotate the figures/props about the center of their bounding box as before. I dont know how this thing got started in my studio, everything was working perfectly before so there must be something there some setting or whatever. Funny thing is I have completely reinstalled studio after doing a complete uninstallation ( even manually deleting all the registries) but still this problem is still there. Even more bizarre thing is, I opened my studio 3 (I have studio 3 still installed on my system in a different drive, i still love it lol) and the same problem with the figures and props are happening there too :-O.
@Szark I'll try the method suggested by you to rotate the props i think that might work, thankyou. But still i think there must have to some proper fix, i ll take one more closer look at all the settings.
if you have changed tool setting to rocal cordinate?
activate universal tool , then open tool tab. from top menu.
then check your universal tool setting.
and If u use root node for rotate? I think it is better to use hip node to rotate figure,,
the root node need to decide general base positon and direction of the figure in your scene
after that, move your figure what you want from the positon, by hip node,
then pozing detail by each bone or use poze preset (keeping the base positon)
if you do that,, you can apply poze preset at the positon where first you set by the root node .
this pic is genesis but it is same when i cneck with V4 and poze preset.
(need to set pozing tool if you want rotate by gizmo with loacal axis by hip node,,and you
can not use poze controller to rotate hip by loacal axis,, though you can rotate hip (full figure with axis)
but hope to rotate by rocal axis,, manually rotate by pozing tool gizmo ^^;)