My serial number not work(solved)

mermillodcyrilmermillodcyril Posts: 30

Please help i'm locked... What can I do ? I have test all in my account space but that no work. Yesterday after instal 4.9 via daz manager. I have test uninstall and reinstal but my serial no work why ? My account is legal, please help me


Images removed because they displayed Serial numbers.

Post edited by mermillodcyril on


  • Salut Je n'arrivé pas à faire des animations car mon render setting ne correspond pas celui que je vois sur les forums d'aide. Mes animations sont faites seulement au moment du render ca me fait un simple screen shot , et dans setting je n'ai pas l'option pour vidéo. J'ai beau instaler désinstaller rien ni fait. Merci de bien vouloir m'aider
  • I have installed daz studio 4.9 but when I use daz installer he say I use version 4.5, and I can't do Maj... And now I can't rendering picture or animation... Please help me
  • How remind this problems?
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  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    When you purchased DAZ Studio (i.e. given it for free), you should have received a DAZ Studio serial number to use to register with your installed copy of DAZ Studio.


  • I have test with all serial numbers in link but nothing work. Please
  • I have downlo d 4.9 via daz manager. And all serial number in my account work....
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  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842


    Tu utilises quel programme / version ?

  • What does Help>About Daz Studio say? What is Maj?

  • Salut Osaka merci. J'utilise la version 4.9 telechargee via leur application. Apparemment mon problème vien de mon numéro de série. J'ai vraiment besoin d'aide regarde
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  • mermillodcyrilmermillodcyril Posts: 30
    edited September 2016

    Quand je me connecte avec mon compte tout vas bien sauf que je les add pour le rendu ne fonctionnent pas. J'ai tester avec tout mes numéros de serie daz mais rien ne valide ma version ...


    Images removed because they Displayed the genuine Serial Numbers.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • With no good serial number my plugin not work. I really need help
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  • Salut Leana merci. J'utilise la version 4.9 telechargee via leur application. Apparemment mon problème vien de mon numéro de série. J'ai vraiment besoin d'aide regarde

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Please do not add images which give genuine serial numbers, 

  • Ok chohole but my serial is valide and daz studio say yellow V I have a real problems with logiciel I really need help and customers services send me to base help. I'*m locked please help my serial are in my account menu not work
  • I have merged your threads since they all seem to be about the same problems.

    Daz Studio does not appear to want the serial number - the elements that show in red are available in the free version, even without a serial number.

    Are you using WIndows or Mac? Which version of the operating system? How did install - with Daz Install Manager?


  • I use Windows xp 32 bit. I have download v4.9 via daz manager, now I can't make animation and choose my render setting.. Please I need soluce. I love use daz studio. It.s amazing free 3d logiciel. Please help me
  • Please I really need help. My serial number for daz studio don't work. I can do nothing, only base render.... Please I really need help. All works 3days ago but now with v4.9 installed on winXp32bit via daz manager I can,t do render for animation, and the picture are locked portraits mode (I have no acces render setting) I really need help I have test all my serial number. Uninstall and reinstall test with another account but nothing work. Please 3days and I want resolve my problems. I really really need help.
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited September 2016

    At least some of the parts used by DS do not work with XP - the image formats that can be read are certainly fewer in number than with later versions of Windows. I am not sure that explains all of your problems, but I am afraid that at least some of the problems cannot be resolved without a newer vresion of Windows. In any event, you will not be able to use Iray in a 32 bit OS, and you will be very severely limited in the complexity of scenes that you can load and render using 3Delight.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Please don't start multiple threads on the same issue. Your new thread has now been merged with this one.

    As I said above, I am not convinced this is a serial-number issue - what makes you think it is?

  • See in YouTube found braismar tv. And see I have do 3 videos and now I need make animation for this channel.
  • But why do you believe the problem is realted to your serial number? Have you updated Daz Studio since it was working to make thsoe renders?

  • I have do this in the past week. Now I haven't render option I can't make render in video. After instal v4.9 via daz manager no render setting are available.I can't setting my render
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  • And
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  • Those confirm that the render engine is not working, they don't show that the problem is the serial number. The imageio plug-in is not going to work with Windows XP, that is known and will be a major obstacle even if the others plug-ins can be made to work. If you click on the others and look at the bottom of the dialogue, does it give a reason for their not working?

  • I'm return on iradium version but that no work... In the past that work. I have found a 3.1. Version I test if Anim work or not. And sry but I no found other if you can make a screen shot and post please. I'm french and my English is bad
  • For Windows XP:

    Press the button labelled PrtScr  or Print Screen on your keyboard. If you are using a laptop you may have to press a modifier key to access it. this will take a screen-shot of the whole screen, if you hold down the Alt key only the current window or dialogue box will be taken.

    Open an image editor - if there is a File>New from Clipboard command use that, if you use Photoshop and use File>New the document will be the right size, othweerwise create a new document the same size as your screen. Paste the image into the nwe window (if it wasn't already pasted by the editor).

    Crop the image if it is showing more than is needed, save and attach to your post.

  • Tux for your assistance Richard. I'm really sad. I test with old version
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  • Unfortunately Daz does not make older versions of DS available. Going back to 4.5 would deny you the use of a lot of content, 4.0 would be even worse as the DSON format was not standardised in its current form until the release of 4.5

  • Thx Richard. I need found daz studio v4.7 installer for continous my project because I can't save in video render with other version... And I can't by new pc
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