ANY Solutions for native: Stereoscopic, 360, Equirectangular Rendering (spherical projection)?


We're *desperately* seeking a way to render: Stereoscopic, 360, Equirectangular Render Option (spherical projection). Ideally, with iRAY support (vRay integration, since they have a camera shader for this, would also be *A-mazing!*).

Idieally, we could take that, port render into After Effects and use Mettle's SkyBox Studio, and/or into NukeX with CaraVR.

As much as possible, something that offers multiple options for stereo output, such as Left Eye (full), Right Eye (full), Side-by-Side, Over/Under, Anaglyph, or Interlaced formats - with a handful of open codecs. Might EXR be a possibility, so we can render layers with all our passes for compositing? 4K is the abolute minimum, but we'd like to go to 8K.

This render issue is holding us back from really exploring some tremendous potential with Daz3D for Entertainment, Education, Medical, and Enterprise. We'd be more than happy to be your guinea pigs for production/post testing if you have something cooking!

If you happen to know of an alternative plug-in that you approve (no more hacks, please!) which does this, we're all ears, because we haven't found one -- they're all quite terrible, no GUI, too many artifacts, and far too long and complex to string frames together without errors cropping up all the time. Believe me, we've tried scripting a multi-camera rig inside Daz3D, but we have to do so many extra renders (several thousands, for ONE frame to be computed as stereo), on top of at least a solid 90 FPS, that data management, storage, and render times are simply impractical. 

Thank you for your time forum peeps, and we look forward to any solutions someone may have. If you can code your own to our specs, let us know, we'd be willing to negotiate some type of pay for the work -- but it would have to be a "work-for-hire" -- where we retain the licensing of the plug-in, and future iterations.





  • Hi,

    My colleagues and I LOVE your product. However, we're not an ILM type of studio that can hack through processes, nor use brute force from sheer rendering power.

    We're *desperately* asking for the next DAZ3D update to *please* include a: Stereoscopic, 360, Equirectangular Render Option (spherical projection). Please, with iRAY support (vRay integration, since they have a camera shader for this, would also be *A-mazing!*)

    Idieally, we could take that, port render into After Effects and use Mettle's SkyBox Studio, and/or into NukeX with CaraVR.

    Please, as much as possible, offer multiple options for stereo output, such as Left Eye (full), Right Eye (full), Side-by-Side, Over/Under, Anaglyph, or Interlaced formats - with a handful of open codecs. Might EXR be a possibility, so we can render layers with all our passes for compositing?

    This render issue is holding us back from really exploring some tremendous potential with Daz3D for Entertainment, Education, Medical, and Enterprise, for some highly respected clients. We'd be more than happy to be your guinea pigs for production/post testing!  

    If you happen to know of an alternative plug-in that you approve (no more hacks, please!) which does this, we're all ears, because we haven't found one -- they're all quite terrible, no GUI, too many artifacts, and far too long and complex to string frames together without errors cropping up all the time.  

    Thank you for your time, LOVE your product, and cannot wait for this to be available as soon as your team(s) might be able to manage it!


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    That would be awesome, yeah


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320
    edited August 2016

    You should contact the DAZ forum user mCasual as I've noticed he has been actively working on something similar to what you want but he has to do post work:

    However, Unity does has PBR shaders and can do an HRDI enviroment (you buy an HRDI asset from the Asset Store) and it can do stereoscopic VR too. All free except the HRDI asset. Ask mCasual if he has interest in developing that for you since you will pay.

    This is Unity:

    This is a set of Free PBR shader presets for Unity:!/content/16000/

    HDR lighting in Unity:!/content/8880

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    You should contact the DAZ forum user mCasual as I've noticed he has been actively working on something similar to what you want but he has to do post work:

    However, Unity does has PBR shaders and can do an HRDI enviroment (you buy an HRDI asset from the Asset Store) and it can do stereoscopic VR too. All free except the HRDI asset. Ask mCasual if he has interest in developing that for you since you will pay.

    This is Unity:

    This is a set of Free PBR shader presets for Unity:!/content/16000/

    HDR lighting in Unity:!/content/8880

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    What I find weird in Carrara is that you can do spherical renders, which is cool. It manages data internally as 32 bit, which is cool.

    And then it refuses to save any renders as anything 32 bit.



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    There's always Octane too.

    It has a sperical camera with stereoscopic options.

    as a Carrara user (who uses D|S as a Carrara and iClone intermediatory) Octane is my meeting ground for the two doing obj or alembic export from D|S and an Octane scene export from the Carrara plugin.

    Yes D|S plugin too does an Octane scene but I just find the former easier to drop into the latter esp animated where I need the abc file (pain as it is reapplying all my surfaces), the alembic plugin for D|S also cheaper if you were shelling out for Octane and your Max/Maya/ whatever plugin as well as the needded standalone and can be used for other apps like Hitfilm pro so not a bad pickup.

    of course my other app of choice, iClone does 360° VR renders too with Youtube and Facebook metadata injected, and Alembic export for that matter too but its not physically based render more game engine.

  • @nonesuch00

    Thanks for the info. on the individual. My team and I are familiar with Unity, UE, AutoDesk software, et al, but we don't want to endure endless work-arounds with DAZ (which lets us get a LOT done very quickly and easily --- though the export functions still need a lot of work). I'll be sure to reach out and inquire about the development of the render solution -- much obliged for the lead! yes


    You should contact the DAZ forum user mCasual as I've noticed he has been actively working on something similar to what you want but he has to do post work:

    However, Unity does has PBR shaders and can do an HRDI enviroment (you buy an HRDI asset from the Asset Store) and it can do stereoscopic VR too. All free except the HRDI asset. Ask mCasual if he has interest in developing that for you since you will pay.

    This is Unity:

    This is a set of Free PBR shader presets for Unity:!/content/16000/

    HDR lighting in Unity:!/content/8880


  • Hi, yes, we've been looking at Otoy/Octane as well. I'm a little fuzzy on the whole export, or is it internal (within Daz3d), to render with those engines? We'd like to get the files OUT of Daz, but exporting to Maya sometimes results in fused geometry, making the UV useless (IDK why), OBJ sometimes look "exploded" and it's necessary to reorganize the mesh and re-assign pivot point and materials/maps, etc.

    That's why we're trying to find a solution within DAZ, unless we can find a better export functionality. I've been reading up on Alembic, and it does sound better, but it reads to me from your post, that it's still a pain? If you have the time, I'd appreciate keeping up a correspondence on it. Perhaps you have a YouTube channel on how you're doing it? Octane's real-time rendering possibilities sound helpful, especially since we're aiming for an 8K, panoramic, equirectangular spherical projection in stereo. Layers and various codecs for export as sequences are what we're aiming for with this.

    If anyone can commit to a small project, please let us know. Thanks!



    Sad said:


    There's always Octane too.

    It has a sperical camera with stereoscopic options.

    as a Carrara user (who uses D|S as a Carrara and iClone intermediatory) Octane is my meeting ground for the two doing obj or alembic export from D|S and an Octane scene export from the Carrara plugin.

    Yes D|S plugin too does an Octane scene but I just find the former easier to drop into the latter esp animated where I need the abc file (pain as it is reapplying all my surfaces), the alembic plugin for D|S also cheaper if you were shelling out for Octane and your Max/Maya/ whatever plugin as well as the needded standalone and can be used for other apps like Hitfilm pro so not a bad pickup.

    of course my other app of choice, iClone does 360° VR renders too with Youtube and Facebook metadata injected, and Alembic export for that matter too but its not physically based render more game engine.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    my 360° vids in various apps

    Alembic a pain as it does not export textures, you need to reapply, I too would like a 360 camera in D|S and add native animated textures as the plugins / scripts are also an annoying workaround.

    We can dream.

    I do pretty much all of mine in Carrara with the Carrara octane plugin, there are some iClone ones too in that playlist, D|S is something I avoid but you need it for Genesis 3 HD morphs and many things I mostly live happily without.

    D|S FBX export can be dodgy with parented stuff alembic does a solid morphing mesh so has its limits too so understand wish to do the render in-house.

    Can post and be ignored in the various beta threads like I used too devil  

  • Merged two threads covering the same topic.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,252
    Sad said:

    That "Streets of Asia" video is very cool. DAZ models used as a dreamscape or for a surprisingly detailed game environment. smiley

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