Install Manager not logging in

Same thing with the account login in DAZ3D. Just hangs trying to connect; been that way for about an hour.



  • Same here. Install Manager says it cannot connect to the password server. I can't install Ryan 7 Pro Bundle.

  • rono64rono64 Posts: 58

    Glad it's not just me, I have been digging through firewall logs for an hour trying to find if it's on my end.

  • TraceSLTraceSL Posts: 529

    Content Manager too

  • ACFanACFan Posts: 12

    It appears that the download server is swamped.

  • same here cant login to  Install Manager and DAZ3D, it Just hangs trying to connect, any id?  

  • RadkresRadkres Posts: 50

    Same Problem o.o

  • Haven't been able to connect to my account through DS or Install Manager since I first started DAZ at 6:45pm cst.  I can still work offline, which will have to do for most of my products for tonight.


    Here's what I gleaned from the log:

    2016-47-23 19:47:18.424 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): curl_easy_perform( failed: HTTP response code said error
    2016-47-23 19:47:18.424 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): Communication to server failed.
    2016-48-23 19:48:27.121 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): Failed to read trying again, curl error was: Timeout was reached
    2016-49-23 19:49:10.567 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): curl_easy_perform( failed: Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)
    2016-49-23 19:49:10.567 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): Communication to server failed.

  • IkyotoIkyoto Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2016

    yup= same

    And I was even ready to pretend to really work.

    Post edited by Ikyoto on
  • Well, at least now I know that it's not just me. I was about to start yelling at the computer, then thought to check the forums first. Guess I'll have to wait until they fix it. =(

  • Yep me too. I was not looking forward to re-installing everything. So yea for that. Hope it gets fixed soon. I have a commission to work on. :(

  • VueiyVueiy Posts: 554
    edited August 2016

    Alright, so it's not just me.  You can still manually download things,'s been so long since I used the old method of installing files that I may have forgotten how, lol...

    Post edited by Vueiy on
  • GrainneGrainne Posts: 0

    Same here.  This is supremely frustrating.  I can get it to install to Ubuntu 16.04 but suffers a fatal error on launch and crashes.  In Windows 10, the installer crashes.   So in both systems, I am getting no joy. No chance to even feck up an image.



  • I got an e-mail from Tech support about 2 hours ago telling they were down and trying to get it fixed but no ETA yet

  • If you can't log into the website, then I imagine they are losing some sales. So I am betting that it is a high priority beyond just current customers can't download their purchases. This is why DRM doesn't work really well unless you can have 99.95% uptime like Steam. If everything went to DazConnect and you had to log in every time it boots up, then this is what would happen unless they had redundancy that was built in.

  • VitachickVitachick Posts: 135

    Same here..Will not accept password

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If everything went to DazConnect and you had to log in every time it boots up, then this is what would happen unless they had redundancy that was built in.

    You don't have to log in every time it boots up.

  • If everything went to DazConnect and you had to log in every time it boots up, then this is what would happen unless they had redundancy that was built in.

    You don't have to log in every time it boots up.

    No, but you do have to if you ever want to install anything with Connect. Even the 'offline' packages are useless if you lose your authentication token while the servers are down.

  • leo04leo04 Posts: 342
    edited August 2016

    10:51 Pm can't log in. Purchased items about 30 min earlier so something of a cunundrum. Will check in tomorrow.

    Good luck to all...see ya soon smiley


    P.S. Also got some strange error pages when using IE or Edge but Firefox is at least getting to the site pages and here....

    Post edited by leo04 on
  • I'm able to log in but my recently purchased products are showing up for me to download and install


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    DIM is logging in now.

  • Login works, but purchase made during the down time do not show up and fail when attempting from the "download & install" button. Log shows all 404 not found errors for downloads.

  • Yep same.  Login is finally working but products bought aren't showing up in the "Ready to Download" section.

  • phornerphorner Posts: 1

    Ditto.  I can log in with DIM now but all products purchased that have not been installed yet are not showing up as available.

  • This is now resolved for me.

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