MimicLive only works with genesis 1 and doesn't use prerecorded sound files!!!!

They made it seem like Genesis 2 works. There is no Configuration file for genesis 2 only genesis. ANd also......someone told me or i read that it accepts prerecorded files but that's not the case. You have to record the mimic live. so again another waste of money. Why are they still selling that product if it's old and most people are movign to Genesis 2, Genesis 3 and have moved already. Moreover why does it have to be live recording, that means you can't get files recorded by other people far away to send you files and apply them.




  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    Look under general in your library for Gen2&3 configs

    and use stereo mix instead of a microphone input to record wav files you play

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Ok thanks. I found the Gen2 configs in the  My DaZ LIbrary/General/Mimic Configs/Genesis2.dmc

    but i still don't understand how to import audio files. You said use stereo mix. I don't see any settings for that.  This is the Mimic Live window and it doesn't have any options to use stereo mix. i don't see anything. The Recorded Audio File thing is just to choose the path for recording live audio that you will record with your microphone and save to wav

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  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931
    edited August 2016
    Sad said:

    Look under general in your library for Gen2&3 configs

    and use stereo mix instead of a microphone input to record wav files you play

    Ok i managed to find stereo mix in the system sound setting/Record tab. But i don't understand what i'm supposed to do. when in mimic i just open a WAV file like in VLC and play it and the characters mouth will move and record in the daz frames? or how do i make the sound file control mimic ? do i have to connect it somehow to daz? And if so how?

    Post edited by nokoteb99 on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    You do as you did just play it in another app and record it in mimic, not ideal but is the only way you can use wav files with Mimic live.

    I myself just use wav files with the lipsync in the 32 bit version  of D|S on a single figure and save it as an animated pose.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    Hope you get it all worked out
    .You know its a shame that the feature rich Mimic pro was discontinued.
    But thankfully we discovered that exporting a genesis 2 figure as poser CR2 enables you to still use mimic pro to create animated pose file for lipsinc. 

    Sure its only 32 bit but it has a much smaller RAM foot print than opening up a second copy of Daz Studio 32 bit and using its very limited lipsincing plugin that has no phoneme editing features like mimic pro.

    Screen Shot 08-23-16 at 06.47 AM.PNG
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  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Does Mimic Live work with USB microphone. It doesn't seem like it. I got a new insignia USB mic and Mimic live doesn't do anything when i speak to it.

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931
    nokoteb99 said:

    Does Mimic Live work with USB microphone. It doesn't seem like it. I got a new insignia USB mic and Mimic live doesn't do anything when i speak to it.

    I was gonna try to process  the audio files given to me by my voice actors   by using Mimic live with a  mic whlie playing their sounds in the speakers and pointing the mic to the speaker

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931
    wolf359 said:

    Hope you get it all worked out
    .You know its a shame that the feature rich Mimic pro was discontinued.
    But thankfully we discovered that exporting a genesis 2 figure as poser CR2 enables you to still use mimic pro to create animated pose file for lipsinc. 

    Sure its only 32 bit but it has a much smaller RAM foot print than opening up a second copy of Daz Studio 32 bit and using its very limited lipsincing plugin that has no phoneme editing features like mimic pro.

    I remember Mimic Pro. used to have it myself.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    I remember Mimic Pro. used to have it myself.


    Still getting the job done for us with Genesis1 & 2 over here


  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Ok i managed to set Mimic live with my USB mic(just had to set my default Recording device to the USB one). it works. the only problem is it doesn't record to the DAZ frames. How do you actually record the animation into the DAZ frames?

    while talking the character mouth moves but the scrubber stays at zero and nothing is recorded

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931
    nokoteb99 said:

    Ok i managed to set Mimic live with my USB mic(just had to set my default Recording device to the USB one). it works. the only problem is it doesn't record to the DAZ frames. How do you actually record the animation into the DAZ frames?

    while talking the character mouth moves but the scrubber stays at zero and nothing is recorded

    Never mind i have figured it out. there is a check box to Record Results. that records the animation to daz frames.

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931
    wolf359 said:

    I remember Mimic Pro. used to have it myself.


    Still getting the job done for us with Genesis1 & 2 over here


    Lucky. Mimic Live has some problems. It says Eye movement checkbox. ANd i virtually see no eye movement. And it also doesn't do a very good job matching my mouth movements.Blinking is bahhhh...not great.  There's a few slider settings for how it processes sound maybe i should play around with those but there's not alot of like options. The good thing though is that although it has nothing for facial expressions , should be able easily done using Puppetteer.

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