Daz keeps crashing

deathwispdeathwisp Posts: 48

Windows 8 PC

The issue -

1. Daz crashes with fatal error if I try to work ONLINE - immediate crash

2. Trying to work offline.. it crashes with fatal error after a few seconds simply browsing my library. At most I have been able to load Victoria 4 with 1 character skin.

I ran the install manager today and installed the new update for Daz 4.9 and the problem is still happening. My video card is updated, but shouldn't be an issue because I don't even make it to the render phase.


I just came back to the program after a couple of years not using it. New PC, clean install. Disappointing not to be able to work on images. Does anyone have any ideas?

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  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    My 1st guess would be that you have the viewport set to render in iRay.

  • What security software are you running (if any)?

  • deathwispdeathwisp Posts: 48
    edited August 2016

    The only security software i have is windows defender.

    If it is set to render in iray ( and it has been so long since I really used daz that I am not sure what that is - i remember firefly? ) then it was set by default. I will try to change it, but hopefully it doesn't crash before I can figure out where in the menu the option is. So far, it crashes before I can get anything into the viewport.

    - so I set it to 3delight because it was defaulted to iray.. and same crash. I had v4 loaded, syrah skin applied..  while browsing through content it crashes.

    DAZStudio.exe caused ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\LIBEAY32.dll" at 0033:000000007B089554, AES_cbc_encrypt()+51524 byte(s)





    Post edited by deathwisp on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320
    edited August 2016

    OK, according to what an internet search shows you should try:

    originally from Richard Hasseltine

    1) upgrade DAZ Studio to (which is the latest release version)

    2) if 1) fails, uncheck the checkbox for 'DAZ Studio Improvement Program' if you have it checked.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
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