Loading image file layer

I was trying to apply a line of code by 3dcheapskate ​(http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/30157/daz-script-2-getting-standard-surface-parameters-using-layered-images-almost-done-now#latest) about creating a layered image, but I get stuck by a bug:

var l1 = new DzImageFileLayer;

l1.getImageData().load( [image-1-file] );


Changing [image-1-file] with the path of an image file (whatever it is) gets me the following error:

images\dzimagemgr.cpp(319): Empty filename passed to DzImageMgr::loadImage()

The argument for load() should be a Qstring... Any Idea about what's going on?



  • there should at least be empty parenthese after the object name in the new line, assuming ti allows expicit contstruction and doesn't require parameters:

    var l1 = new DzImageFileLayer() ;

    you should always error-trap - check that you have a valid object after creating or getting one, quitting the operation (and in the initial stages writing an error to the log with print ( "oopsie of soem kind" );) if not.

  • meipemeipe Posts: 101

    Hum the same error is still here with the empty parenthese... and the object passes the error-check with or without empty parenthese.

    The following code works, but Image is of course a different object:

    var im = new Image();


  • Hmm, I'm not sure what you should be doing - sorry.

  • djigneodjigneo Posts: 283

    Looks to me like there shouldn't be square brackets there. It was a confusing convention inside of code to do that. As you mentioned it should be accepting a string, so try passing the filename in without the square brackets.

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